
What are some original ways to preserve electric energy?

by Guest32987  |  earlier

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What are some original ways to preserve electric energy?




  1. Don't burn the toast.

    Use more intimate low level lighting around the home, with spotlights for reading and work.

    Drink lots of water.

    Learn to love cold showers, towel dried hair, and beans on bread.

    Avoid using electrical appliances during peak power times.

    Do your washing and ironing during a 'blackout'.

  2. -install compact flourescent bulbs in all of your lights and lamps

    -set up your computer to sleep when you're not using it

    -put your home entertainment system on a power strip with a "master" outlet so all of your peripherals (cable box, game consoles, etc.) are only on when your tv is.  otherwise, these peripherals drain power even when they are powered down.

    -if you have an electric water heater, turn down your thermostat a bit

    -if your home is heated electrically, turn down your thermostat a bit.  or get a timer installed so you can only heat the house when you're awake or home.

    -purchase energy efficient appliances.

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