
What are some other butt related space terms?

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Of course I know that "Astro" is a big reason to why a lot of space terms have the sound "@ss" in them and tee hee... what am I seven? But what about NASA and of course Uranus. Are there any more phrases I should be made aware of?




  1. not really...

  2. When you talk of Uranus, you've got to mention Klingons.

    Many theories are named after body parts.  For example, the Theory Of Everything (TOE), or Grand Unified Theory (GUT).  It's not all just strings.

    You could look up the acronyms for the planets: MVEMJSUN - you should find something you're looking for there.  For that matter, the stellar types: OBAFGKM should give you something.

  3. "Are there any more phrases I should be made aware of?"

    Frankly, no.

  4. Well, I remember the prof saying that initally the French REFUSED to use the term "black hole" because in french it refers to something else.

    I don't speak french, so don't  really know.

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