
What are some other companies that have independent sales consultants? Like Mary Kay or Pampered Chef...?

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I am looking into some independent sales consulting things and I keep coming up with Mary Kay or Pampered Chef, I also came across Candlebreeze, and something called a passion party....are there any other ones? I am leaning more toward pampered chef since I cook and the others I don't think I would use and I figure why sell something you would use?

Anyways does anyone know of any other companies like those above?





  1. I'm a Director with For Your Pleasure. You definitely want to make sure that you find a product you know you love and can promote.  I'd be happy to answer any questions about my party plan if your interested.  Just IM me: toysbytina or email me

    Good luck!  

  2. I have been in the direct sales industry for 11 years.  I had finally decided that I needed to get a "regular" job because my income was going backwards. I researched several options, but wasn't happy with any of them... until I stumbled upon an all-natural foods company who has recently (4 years ago) started selling through in-home tasting parties.  The products are fantastic and the compensation plan is the best I've seen in the industry!  I have been with the company for 3 months now and am already earning what took me over 2 years to work up to with another cooking-based company.  There are less than 1500 reps in the entire company, but we are posed for explosive growth over the next few years and have the financial backing to take us there.  Truly the right place at the right time!   I would love to tell you more!  

  3. I am with a company repping for the Dermatologists that created Proactiv.  They have gone on to market new lines for different skincare issues.  I like this company because I don't have to do home parties, there is no inventory and minimal start up costs.  Plus, being ground-floor (just launching on March 1st) it has been a breeze to fly to the top!  I would love to help you.  You can check out my web-site at

  4. Pampered Chef is a great company but I think they only make about 25% so it depends on your purpose is it to make an income or just get the products at discount?  How about Tastefully Simple.  I have a friend that sells it and loves it.

    If you are not familiar with them check out the website they sell food so the whole party consist of eating who doesn't love that??? It makes great holiday parties to people entertain or give it as gift.  I have hosted several of these shows it is the only thing I do regularly and I always have a great turn out. It is consumable so customers come back for more.

    DO a yahoo search there is a website I cam across once called I believe that listed numerous direct sales companies

    PS I sell Mary Kay never wore make up before but loved the skin care so I know what you mean I started for the discount so it's smart to sell something you are passionate about and would use it makes selling as easy as telling a friend about something you like and direct sales is all about spreading the word.  Best wishes.  

  5. Well I am not an independent Sales consultant, but I am an independent rep for a world leading company in the communications field. I do not sell anything but I do help people save money on services they use everyday.

    This means I am not bothered with stocking items or going out to find customers and their orders, I help my customers switch to my service and then I earn a % of their monthly bills.

    Also my business is international which gives me the opportunity of having a seamless business which can operate in, at present, 19 countries.

    If you would like to find out more email me.


  6. Direct Selling offers a GREAT opportunity, as long as you find a company that you believe in and a product that you can sell. With direct selling, the ground work for a business plan is done for you and usually provided with the start up kit. It is usually recommended that you find a company where you can recover your initial investment easily.

    Avon is an excellent option! With Avon the start up fee is nominal (just $10) and includes an entire start-up kit with everything that you might need to get your business going. There is no inventory to buy and no parties to schedule for sales. The product cost is low and the income potential is unlimited. The product line is top notch and whether you prefer make up, skin care, clothing, jewelry, under-garments, gifts and more, Avon has it available. If you haven't seen an Avon catalog recently, feel free to look around my website. You can click on any tabs and find more information with no obligation and no one will contact you unless you request more information.

  7. Sell something you LIKE!

    there is Avon, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Passion Party, Slumber party, Scentsy, and tons of others.

    Find something you LIKE to do.  If you like it, your customers will feed off of that and enjoy your parties even more.

    what I would recommend, choose your two favorites, or the one you'd LIKE To do, and host a party.

    After you host one, you will see if it's right for you.

  8. Hi there.  I am glad to see that Passion Parties is on your list. I am an Executive Director with the company. Romance parties are really hot right now. I had been with Princess house a while back and it was like pulling teeth to get party bookings. Not with romance parties!

    You can start with our company for as little as $100 for a kit. We over drop shipping to your clients so you don't haven to carry inventory, great product prices,  a free website, hostess incentives, and our company handles credit cards for you. We have lots of other perks as well, car bonuses, cash bonuses, and even a home award. I would be more than happy to explain more. You can also go to my website see below to learn more. Good luck to you what ever you choose!

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