
What are some other jobs in the sports field besides from a professional athlete?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I learned today that my dreams of become a professional Baseball player can't come true due to my Heart condition. I knew about it, for a long time, and I had it ever since I was born.

Currently I am 15 years old. I always wanted to become a Baseball player. But, I haven't played since T-ball, and my parents don't want me to play Baseball or any sport that deals with a lot of running because of my Heart. (No surgeory could repar it--now-a-days and it's life-threating). I can't make any teams anywhere because I'm don't have the same skills. And no matter how hard I practice I won't be able to do it.

I really love sports. Are there any other jobs in the sports field besides from a professional? Are there any good website(s) that explains them and provides information about them?

Thank you all for your help.




  1. try being a ref

  2. First of all keep your head up, everything happens for a reason.  There are so many sport related jobs out there.  You could be a coach, a trainer, physical therapist or sports medicine, a commentator, a mascot, anything you put your mind to.  As the great Jimmy V would say, "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Especially on your dreams, don't let some doctor tell you what you can and cant do.  You can do anything you put your mind to, your mind is the most powerful thing you have and can cure anything.  Think positive always, nothings impossible.

  3. There are several ways to become a coach within your favorite sport, starting at a youth level as a volunteer can be a great way to get started.

    After high school, you could always aspire to become a sports agent or even a talent scout.

  4. ouch !! that must suck well you can try umpiring,coach,scout and stuff behind doors

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