
What are some other times that the words "pull out" are a good thing?

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I heard they may pull out the troops from Iraq...that'd be just great...what else is good about pulling out?




  1. Shame on Floyd *tisk* *tisk*

    I hear that pulling out isn't much fun.


  2. Pull out.......A wedgie

    ...........of the driveway in a Ferrari

    ......cause babbies suck

    ......a giant booger

  3. Well being underage and wanting to go and buy something over your age.. You just ''pull out'' your fake id and away you go :D


  4. Nothing........She still got pregnant........4 times!

  5. Pretty much anytime im talking about my junk.

    I so asked a pull out question too haha;...

  6. pulling out it good becuz it's only 80% effective and mama wants a babby

  7. Pull Out...

    Everytime so you don't have little yous running around

  8. You mean like when you pull out your 9 and bus' a cap in some foo's a­s­s?

  9. I like to pull out My kielbasa Sausage and wave it drivers instead of flipping them off. Is very church like

  10. Personally I haven't said that sh*t in years...Can you babysit for me tomorrow night?

    I'm up to 14 kids now!  

  11. Pulling out all the stops (:

    That can be a good thing.. Depending on what you're aiming for.

    You could be pulling out all the stops to get a gold medal at the olympics!

  12. i can moisturize her cheeks and shine her teeth. oly out.

  13. I never trusted that method, in fact, when I was paranoid, even wearing something, I still "pulled out".  

  14. I'm not sure 'pulling out' of Iraq is that good. March in, destroy the infrastructure, create internal conflict and then bugger off.

    Sign written in the dirt on the back of a truck. 'Don't pull out to avoid a child, you might fall off the bed.'

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