
What are some other toys that would be good for a 4 month old Lovebird?

by  |  earlier

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He currently has a playpen, chewing ropes, a hanging shredder, a wooden hanger with a bell, a leather chew, and a swing. He plays with them but not that often, and whenever I take him out all he does is try to chew on me, my clothes, or the chewing ropes. What else might he enjoy playing with, especially during the day when I am at work?




  1. Careful of the ropes.  Make sure they are NOT long enough for the bird to hang itself.

    I have purchased a toy that has spikes of tiny beads coming out of it and the baby lovebirds love it.  Ebay has lots of bird toys to chews from (joke spelling).  There is an item that is woven palm fronds that is great for chewing and popsickle sticks are cheap and good too.

  2. Buying bird toys can get expensive. Learn to make some out of recycled items from your home.

    Here is a link to a very creative site for making toys cheap. Parrots like mine can make hash out of a $20 store bought toy in a day...

  3. a swing

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