
What are some other uses for solar panels other than on roofs in cities for power.EG remote holiday homes.?

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Any crazy ideas? solar powered pogo sticks,waterpumps,golf buggies,massagers,computer power supplies,electric fences,bird scarers,CD players so you can have it as loud as you like out where you won't annoy others,coffee/hot drink/food,ANYTHING.




  1. They have long been used in space vehicles and electricity can be used for just about anything so the more non polluting solar panels the better for all of us, health wise.

  2. To make use of solar power, you need enough power hitting your available collecting area when you need it.  This rules out a few things:

    - Pogo sticks aren't big enough to catch much energy.

    - Massagers are often used in dim light or the dark.

    - Golf buggies have to work when it's cloudy and may not have enough area to charge their batteries.  Plus, they're mobile and can cause damage from vibration and impact.

    If you don't mind your water pump not working at night (and if you're watering your garden, you probably don't) solar will do fine.  Solar fence chargers, you can buy them (see link).  Applications where full sun is available, the available power is sufficient for the application, and day-only operation is acceptable are good candidates for solar power.  You can even make your own solar oven from cheap reflectors, if you don't mind cooking only on sunny days!

  3. My entire home is solar powered, and I will also be converting my combustion engine vehicle to electric, so that it can be powered from the sun as well.  

    I also own a solar patio umbrella, and a hat with a solar fan on it.  There's solar backpacks to power lap tops, solar RVs, boats, golf carts, mail trucks, roadside signs, christmas lights, landscaping lights, pond lights, security flood lights, etc.  Go to for more.  Pretty much any electrical device can be made to be solar powered.  Thanks!

  4. I have a solar powered water fountain and I'll be buying some solar powered stringed lights.

    Once my husband and I had a plan to convert his go-kart to solar, but we just got rid of it instead. :(

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