
What are some out of the ordinary morning sickness treatments?

by  |  earlier

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not ginger, not b6, not crackers...not preg pops. no accupressure bands..nothing eveyrone has heard of..just something unique that you tried and worked...




  1. mash potatoes

  2. Chocolate Milk. I have had 4 miscarriages and before i miscarried the only thing that would help me was chocolate milk. it became my best friend

  3. eating candy. that did it for me with my son i was always sick or feeling nauseas

  4. I took cold river stones and placed on my face. I don't know why or how it worked for me, but it did.

    I also drank lots of lemon aid. It help me not get so dehydrated and if that happens the it will make you feel even worse.

  5. s*x

  6. suck on a lemon quarter, it truly works i don't know why.

  7. Good old fashioned , Not out of the ordinary ... Fresh air .

    Helped me , If i felt queezy i use to sit in the garden for 10 Mins and the queezeness passed , As long as no one was cooking a friend breakfast when i went back in i was ok pmsl . x .

  8. Each woman is different where morning sickness cures are concerned. What works for one, may or may not work for another. Here  you will find some useful tips  which you can try and hope it helps. More instant remedies and info at http://usefulinfomorningsickness.blogspo...

  9. The only thing I know of other than what you listed is finding out what temperature soothes your body.  For me very very cold things eased morning sickness -- ice cubes, really cold water, and sitting in front of a cold fan or the a/c... Others it may be warm things like tea, warm showers, or laying in front of a heater (however heat always made me feel WORSE).

    Some people nothing helps and you just have to try and get through it the best you can.  Good luck, I hope it eases up for you soon and you can find something that helps.

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