
What are some outcomes for boys who have ADD?

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My 9 year old son has mild ADD. He is bright but he is behind in his schoolwork, and is often either talking in class or drifting off. He displays all the classic symptoms. Medication is NOT indicated by either pediatrician or therapist. He earns poor grades but his teachers insist he is learning. He is not interested in many things, he cannot swim or ride a bike--no motivation to learn. He is popular and has many friends, and he is a bit of a genius with video games and things like that. He recently got caught lying about how much schoolwork he is completing, and he has never lied before--in fact, his therapist and everyone who meets him comment on his "highly developed moral sensibility."

After being caught lying, he started displaying some signs of anxiety--fidgeting, writing on his pants, pulling at his clothes, etc.

My question is, what happens to kids like this when they grow up? Does my son have any kind of positive future all? What can we do?




  1. your son has a positive future, as long as his parents are positive in their response to him.  i mean, look at all our sports arenas.  many of the players in many venues have ADD or ADHD.  many players are up front about it, and you can look it up.  

    however, i think your school's teachers or counselors should ask for an observer for your son (with your permission) who will then make their observations to your pediatrician/family doctor in writing.  if the doctor(s) get someones opinion other than the parents, they may finally concede and go down the medication route, which is actually beneficial for the child to focus.  

    good luck to you, and best wishes for your son.

  2. my dad had horrible ADD but was never diagnosed as he was the youngest of 8 boys in a VERY poor family. He litterally spent 3 years with his desk pulled right up against the blackboard in hopes he would stop talking/goofing off. He is now a very creative and slightly unorganized 48 yo. My brother also had ADD and is now 17. although he lacks common sense sometimes, he is usually quite organized. In fact, only two teachers in our school have never told me how much they "just love him!"

    He has a positive future. If he is struggling big time, i recommend going into his classroom and cleaning out his desk, i garuntee that there is an incredible amount of mess in there. If problems continue, consider Huntington Learning Center. They really helped my brother with math and organization.

    good luck.

  3. I think that he will have a positive future my brother is ADD and we find it hard but if you convince him to do his school work he can play video games after his work is done. that's what we did to my brother and he is now 20 and at college. Think Positive!

  4. people who are ADD u should give them Redialing. they will have a good job. u cant spoil them u have to tell them what they did wrong or they will think they are the boss. I'm ADD, that don't mean that i bad i use to I'm not any more.

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