
What are some outdoor plants for the fall?

by Guest67025  |  earlier

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Are there plants that grow well outdoors that I can plant in September?




  1. Yes, there are tons. Where do you live? I just did a search last night for plants native to my state and it also had a list of late summer/early fall blooming plants shrubs and perinnials. Maybe you could do that.

  2. You can plant any plant you want that can live outdoors. Actually it is almost the best time for it.

    If you are looking something showy for fall then i would suggest Japanese Maples.

  3. Just about anything will grow well planted in September, in fact, the early fall is the best time for many perennials, shrubs and trees because they can have a chance to establish roots before being fried in the summer!

    However, if you are asking for fall and winter interest look for evergreen plants.

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