
What are some patriotic aussie idiosyncracies?

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Like how few of us fly our national flag but plaster ourselves proudly with green and gold tatoos for the cricket, christmas time home-made fairy lights , bethlehem and the occasioanl christmassy koala. The massive size of shops specialising in barbecues, how we straighten up when the national anthem is played, bus drivers don christmas hats at Xmas time. Even the blistering heat of the of the footpath on a 40 degree day and the bip bip bip of the trafiic light and the way we bang the button to get a green man all seem truly australian. Can anyone think of anything else???




  1. I think our greatest example of patriotism is on ANZAC Day morning, at the Dawn Services all over Australia (and not to forget New Zealand they are ANZACs too).

    On a lighter note - how about the extreme sporting rivalry between the states, and yet with the cricket, Olympics or some other international sporting event we all loudly support our Aussie teams. No matter which state the individual players come from.

  2. Beer rivalry between states. Drinking in general! is considered pretty Australian.

    For example, Victorians drink Melbourne bitter or Victoria bitter (VB) and queen slanders drink XXXX. None one in Queensland drinks VB!!

  3. You're right there Taylor, in saying how "few" Australians fly their national flag, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that it isn't wholly theirs. If you care to travel to the US you will see, from coast to coast, people flying their flag, on the sides of their houses, in their cars, even cabbies in NYC sported a flag noted someone I knew who'd been there.

    Back on topic however, the footy and the cricket, the Aussie peacekeepers overseas, helping to maintain peace, etc, I think are all examples of Aussie patriotism. Time to get us a real flag though.

  4. A border collie dog in the tray of the ute!

    A B&S ball in the bush!

    or just visiting a "country music muster" in the city.

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