
What are some pets that will be "freindly" to me like a dog would?

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u know how when u get a dog and after a while the dog will sorta get attached to u so it will follow u, it will want u to play with it. it would wnat u to hold it and stuff. it would like be ur freind. i wanna get a pet thats like that too. but i cant get a dog.




  1. A pet rat......they make great pets.  More info.:

    Especially read the first couple of paragraphs here:

  2. Certain breeds of cats are like that! I forget if its a Cornish Rex or a Devon Rex that I saw that would stand on your shoulders and rub on you because it wanted to be _right there_ with you all the time doing what you are doing.

  3. Rats they create a bond that you wouldn't believe. They can see you from across the room and will smoosh their face against the cage bars to let you know "hey we are over here come play" lol.

  4. cat, rat

  5. I once had a black bear hamster. It was the best pet of my life. It put up with everything my sister(we were kids) and I put it through(swims in the pool, etc.) and never bit us.  It also ate anything, was very cute and friendly, and just a nice friend to have around to keep you company.  It was also a lot less maintenance than a dog.

  6. a cat

  7. I have had a cat that was very close to being a dog.

    The trick with a cat is that you have to be sure to handle it a lot when it's a baby, firmly, gently and lovingly.  To totally gain his trust, don't let it jump from you, but rather hold him firmly but gently by the scruff of his neck with one hand and the other hand gently around his rear.  Then PLACE him on the ground.

    We did that with our Madison, and he totally trusted me, to the point where I could pick him up and hold him over my head.   He came when he was called, followed me, and would head butt me in the face.  When a cat head butts you, it's the ultimate form of acceptance from a cat.  Madison was very loving, not only to me, but to my dogs, my baby, and his sister (she wasn't as loving as him to anyone but me).

    I have only had dogs and cats, so I am unable to advise on any other animal.  I have heard of ferrets being very loving, but you'd have to verify that with a ferret owner.

    Good luck with your future pet, whatever you choose!!

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