
What are some places I should check or things I should do in Florence, Italy?

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I'm visiting my cousin in Florence, Italy next year while she is studying abroad there. What are some places I should DEFINITELY visit while I'm there, which will be for about a week and half in the spring. I love shopping, eating, and visiting places with lots of history.




  1. If you have never been to Florence then you must visit the Accademia Museum where Michelangelo's David is housed.  Also visit the Uffizi Gallery, it houses some the most famous renaissance artwork painted by the likes of DaVinci, Botticelli, etc.  Visit the gold jewlery shops on the Ponte Vecchio.  See the bronze doors on the duomo's baptistry.  View the duomo's dome designed by Brunelleschi, crowning achievement for the time.  He studied the dome crowning the Pantheon in Rome for ideas.  See the Basilica di Santa Croce.  There are funerary monuments to Galileo, Michelangelo, Dante, Machievelli, etc.  Lots more to see, these are just a few ideas.

  2. The statue of David, definitely.  Also, the dome.

  3. Also visit the palazzo pitti which is across the ponte vechio, it has a very big garden from where you can get a very nice view of Florence, much like the typical view you see on pictures or TV of Il Duomo and the palazzo vechio and the whole historic city, you can also visit the sorrounding cities, Siena, Luca and Pisa. For me Il Duomo was the most impressive and I liked alot Siena and the Santa Maria di Azzunta Church in Siena.


    Tourist sites

    Chiesa di S. Maria Novella

    Address: Piazza Santa Maria Novella

    Phone: 055/210113


    Address: Piazza del Duomo

    Phone: 055/2302885


    Address: Piazza del Duomo

    Phone: 055/2302885

    Chiesa di S. Lorenzo

    Address: Piazza San Lorenzo

    Phone: 055/290184

    Cappelle Medicee

    Address: di Madonna degli Aldobrandini, near San Lorenzo

    Phone: 055/294883 reservations

    Ponte Vecchio

    Giardino di Boboli

    Address: Enter through Palazzo Pitti

    Phone: 055/294883

    Galleria degli Uffizi

    Address: Piazzale degli Uffizi 6, near Piazza della Signoria

    Phone: 055/23885

    Galleria dell'Accademia

    Address: Via Ricasoli 60, near San Marco

    Phone: 055/294883 reservations; 055/2388609 gallery


    Address: Via del Proconsolo 4

    Phone: 055/2388606

    Santa Croce

    Address: Piazza Santa Croce 16

    Phone: 055/2466105



    Address: Via Por Santa Maria 47/R

    Phone: 055/2670342

    Mercato San Lorenzo


    Address: Via Tornabuoni 51/r-53/R

    Phone: 055/267471

    Prada Outlet

    Address: Levanella Spacceo, Estrada Statale 69, Montevarchi

    Phone: 055/91911

    Cantina Del Borgo

    Address: Borgo La Noce 19/R

    Phone:055 2399665

    Enoteca La Dolciaria

    Address: Via Ginori 24

    Phone: 055 214646


    Trattoria I Due G

    Address: Via Cennini Bernardo 6/R

    Phone: 055/2670342

    Antico Noè

    Address: Volta di San Piero 6

    Phone: 055 2340838


    Address: Via A. del Verrocchio 8

    Phone: 055 2341100

    Enoteca Pinchiorri

    Address: Via Ghibellina 87

    Phone: 055/242777


    Address: Mercato Centrale

    Phone: 055/2398501

    Enoteca del Boccanegra

    Address: Via Verdi 27

    Phone: 055 2001098

    Osteria Antica Mescita San Niccolò

    Address: Via. S. Niccolo' 63

    Phone: 055 2342836

    Osteria n. 1

    Address: Via del Moro 18

    Phone: 055 210004


    Jazz Club

    Address: Via Nuova de' Caccini 3, corner of Borgo Pinti

    Phone: 055/2479700

    Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina

    Address: Via E. Poggi 6

    Phone: 055/783374

    Loch Ness

    Address: Via de' Benci 19/R

    Teatro della Pergola

    Address: Via della Pergola 12/R


    Enoteca La Dolciaria

    Address: Via Ginori 24

    Phone: 055 214646

    Religious sites

    Chiesa cattolica San Lorenzo (italian language)

    Address:Piazza San Lorenzo

    Phone: 055/216634

    Duomo (english language)

    Address:Piazza del Duomo

    Phone: 055/294514

    Chiesa cattolica della Santissima Trinità (german language)

    Address:Piazza Santa Trinità

    Phone: 055/216912

    Chiesa metodista

    Address:Via dè Benci, 9

    Phone: 055/288143

    Chiesa ortodossa russa

    Address: Via Leone X, 8

    Phone: 055/490148

    Chiesa anglicana Saint Mark

    Address:Via Maggio, 16

    Phone: 055/294764

    Chiesa battista

    Address:Borgo Ognissanti, 4

    Phone: 055/210537

    Chiesa avventista

    Address: Via Guelfa, 12

    Phone: 055/287340


    Address: Via Farini 4

    Phone: 055/245252


    Address:Via Baccio Bandinelli, 11

    Phone: 055/711648

    hope i have been helpful...


  6. These are my faves.  I used to live there.


    Uffizzi - see Botticelli's paintings

    Piazzale Michelangelo  - awesome view of Firenze

    Giardino di Boboli - great park

    Teatro Del Acqua - outdoor disco w/food, across from James Joyce Pub

    Accademia is great if you absolutely love sculpture.  Otherwise, there's a replica of David in Piazza dela Signoria.


    Tratoria Anita (by the Uffizzi, only for dinner - closed Sunday - Via Vinegia 16)

    Pale D'Oro  - in Mercato San Lorenzo - where Italians (not tourists) eat lunch

    Il Giardino di Barbano - where many young Italians eat pizza - Piazza Independenza 3, closed Wednesday, open for dinner - 5pm - have a shot of Limoncello after dinner

    Il Giardino di Giada and Le Sorgenti - if you feel like Chinese


    Unless you're loaded, stay away from Via Tournabuoni.  

    Mercato San Lorenzo has many beautiful and less expensive items.  I used to sell leather there.  Don't insult the merchandise as Italians will not sell to you if you are rude.  Bargain.  Say you're a student and ask if they can give you a discount.  Most will.  30% is the most you'll get unless the guy's prices are insane.  

    Don't hang around the train station or Santo Spirito, especially at night.

    Do watch your pockets, especially in public transportation.  Walking is best though.

    Florence is a fine city with very little crime.  Just keep your money in your pockets and don't wear those touristy looking things around your neck or waist.  Have fun!

  7. That is such an easy thing for you because all you have to do is walk and you will stumble upon EVERYTHING! Florence is very contained and there is "history" in every step you take. And the food is delicioso no matter where you eat-even a hole in the wall pizza will have you drooling. And shops are all over the place. The places like the Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, piazzas, seeing DAVID at the Accademia is a MUST! There is an outdoor market near the train station to explore. But really, just walk and walk and you will come upon all of Firenze's magic!

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