
What are some places that you can work when you're 15?

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I'll be 16 in March.. but I need a job pronto. What kinds of places hire 15 year olds?

(I already worked at Bakers Square but I was fired)




  1. Depends on what state you live in. Probably just family restaurants, fast-food, and school-related stuff that probably won't pay.

  2. YMCA, library, camp, after school programs.

  3. Typically family owned places will allow you too depending on how well you do and how trustworthy you are in the start of your working for them. Depending on the state, I believe you may have to be 15 1/2 to acquire a part-time job and file taxes.

    try local grocery stores or restaurants that are not national chains, you will be treated better than scum of large corporations.

    good luck

  4. library

    some fast food places

    baby sit

    make crafts

    yard sales

  5. Hello ,

    To answer your question, first, you would need to figure out what kinds of jobs that you are interested in most and you have abilities to take. So, it is probably important to find a job that best match your personal interests, abilities, skills, experiences, and knowledge. As an university graduate, I would suggest you to know more about yourself in the areas of following :

    1) My personal interests are . . .

    2) My strengths are . .

    3) My weakness . .

    4) My career goal . . .

    5) What I would like to do in the future

    6) What experience / skills I already had and would like to develop ?

    Hope this helps



    This is something i signed up for, It has worked so far and was completely free.

    All you do is, basically your helping advertise, by making a page - its simple like myspace and its cool because everyone is trying to achieve the same thing, so everyone helps everyone.... You get paid every month for your page veiws - im barely trying at all and getting around 100 page veiws a day?

    Try it out i say its worth a shot :)  for Extra cash...

    And at 15 this is probably perfect. you can even do this a work a job?

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