
What are some places to buy locally grown food, generally speaking?

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I live in Tucson.




  1. Some great options for you in Tucson include:

    The Rincon Valley Farmers' Market (

    The Santa Cruz River Farmers' Market (

    Community Food Bank Farmers' Market (

    If you're interested in a steady supply, consider joining a CSA, community supported agriculture. You pay a share of the upkeep in exchange for a share of the food. In your area, there's info on a CSA at

    If all of this farmers market business sounds like too much, check your local grocery stores' fliers. Some groceries will print what state their produce is from. It might not be local, but at least you'll know it's from the same hemisphere.

    Why eat locally?

    It helps Mother Earth by eliminating the carbon and energy used to get food from far-away places to you.

    t helps you because food is fresher (you're getting what was grown here instead of what was grown in Paraguay five months ago), food is less likely to have been damaged in transit and the growers won't have sprayed or added anything the United States doesn't allow.

  2. directly from the producer is the safest

    than you know what goes on .

    here in Mexico it is the local market

    or the street stalls

    you probably have farm shops

    NOT the super market.

    the benefits are health

    if it is grown with out pesticides;...

    organic food;...;...

    Organic farming;...

  3. find a local farmer's market, the ones around me are only there on saturday mornings, but you get the freshest fruits and vegitables grown locally while supporting the local economy

  4. You can find Farmer's Markets close to just about every city.  

    There are several advantages to eating fresh locally grown foods.  Not the least of which is the basic health benefit of eating unprocessed foods.  Even better would be growing it yourself so you know exactly what is on your food.

  5. farm shops

  6. Certified Naturally Grown is also an option.  There are farms in Arizona with this certification.  You can check out the resource to see if any are close enough to you.

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