
What are some places to visit in Ireland for a weekend?

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The first weekend of December, a friend and I are visiting Ireland but don't really know where to go. We fly into Dublin but would rather see smaller towns and the Irish countryside. Are there any suggestions?




  1. head down to galway were you can travel Connemara try the sweet moonshine it is so fresh and old at the same time it will but hairs on your hmm [ head ]head for kylmore abbey and on to Clifton count the sheep on the way but don't fall asleep as you will miss all the wide open spaces the 12 Ben's and the lakes are something else i fish on them when you see oul paddy cycling his bike he will always tip his hat to ya and give him plenty of space when you are passing him out as he probably had a bottle or 2 of the old moonshine or he is on his way to sell it  regards and enjoy hope that helped answer you as its only a guide

  2. for a week end... hummm, you have to make the right selecition as Ireland, is not that a large country, but a lot to see...

    For the lady who replied first to the question...Dover is south of England and they are cliffs, She wantd to say, may be, cliffs of moher... on the west coast...

    Hmmm, if you spend a week end in Ireland, you might want to stay in a city, as you will not have lots of time to go to the country side. So may be a week end in Dublin, or even Belfast. Both of them are very nice places, in terms of architecture, nothing special, but in terms of pub, etc... that is nice. as well as for shopping.

    Now if you really want to be in a real irish cultural approach, you may want to go to Galway, not my favourite place, but at least you ll have a taste of ireland...

    Now if you land in Dublin, you can take the bus to Blackrock, which is south of Dublin, nice place.

    Or you can take the bus to Navan, which is 50mns north of Dublin (My wife is from this place) it is a very nice place, and you are close to lots of castles, churches, etc... and close to NewGrange as well.

  3. Galway & Clare are Beautiful.

  4. I've never been there, but I've seen great pictures of the hillsides you're referring to---particularly the plains of Dover. A travel agent can provide brochures for you.

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