
What are some plants and animals that live in salt marshes?

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and um if you could can you tell me some details about it or the climate?




  1. There is an animal, an almost microscopical shrimp that lives in highly concentrated  salt water, in marshes, its name is ARTEMIA. When flamingos  and other birds eat it, their feathers become RED, or pink, if you preffer.

    They have found that this little animal is the best food for shimrp larva in farms.  Salt producers in Mexico close their operations in lagoons near sea when salt and water becomes red, they should know that an ARTEMIA farm could produce 50 times more money than salt

    I live in Colima, Mexico, 19º north in Pacific Ocean.

  2. Salt Marsh is vegetated almost completely by herbaceous plants, primarily grasses, sedges, and rushes.

    Smooth cordgrass typically occupies the lower elevations and is usually adjacent to tidal creeks and

    pools. Needlerush dominates the slightly less frequently inundated zone. Vegetation at the higher elevations forms transitional areas to uplands and may contain species such as marsh-hay,

    glassworts, saltwort, saltgrass, sea ox-eye daises, marsh-elder, and saltbush as well as many other species.

    Periwinkles, a saltwater snail that is ubiquitous along the U.S. shore, can reduce healthy salt marshes to mud flats in a matter of months.

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