
What are some plants that you can buy from a grocery store and plant them so they will sprout?

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Like carrots (if you soak them in water then plant them you can grow carrots)




  1. Do you mean like produce?

    Well, potatoes of course. Onions, though maybe not eat them. Green onions sprout in the fridge if you don't eat them quick enough. They well turn into full-size onions in a year or so. Garlic, just plant the cloves and in a year you'll have a full head. Mangoes are my favorites though. You eat the mango, and fish out the seed. Clean the husk off, and carefully break inside. If the seed is intact and healthy(firm with a brown papery outside but not moldy) take it out and plant it. I use a zipper bag with moist soil. The bag allows for humidity and moisture. Just mist the soil ever so often and keep it in a bright warm spot, and in two weeks you have roots and a tiny stem. When it's ready(a small little plant really) take it out and plant it in a small pot. There you go. Be warned, some do start growing and then die, or just never take off.

  2. The leafy top of a pineapple can be planted.  After a couple seasons it may even sprout a new tiny pineapple fruit.  The directions are easy to google (or yahoo) if you'd like to try it.  It's as simple as cutting off the top, trimming away the fruit flesh, letting it dry for a couple days, and planting.

  3. I personally grow chillies and honeydew melons from seeds recovered from grocery store produce.  And chillies make beautiful decorative plants too, as well as being edible.

  4. Potatoes.

  5. You can grow a ginger root, onion, or potato, but try to get ones that are organically grown because they are not treated with anti-sprouting chemicals. My favorite for a useable food crop is potatoes. Next on my list is garlic. Just break up the head (again, organic) and plant the cloves. I found a cabbage core sprouting in my compost pile recently: you might try putting one in shallow water and see if it grows.

    You can also grow an avocado seed into a lovely little tree.

    Any kind of dried legume (beans, lentils, etc) will sprout quickly and grow enthusiastically. Also you can grow unroasted seeds like Flax seeds and sesame seeds. (Bonus, if you don't want to plant these in dirt you can grow them in jars as culinary sprouts and eat them in a few days!)

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