
What are some poems about being the victim of envy?

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If there are any?




  1. A Coat by W.B.Yeats

    I MADE my song a coat

    Covered with embroideries

    Out of old mythologies

    From heel to throat;

    But he fools caught it,

    Wore it in the world's eyes

    As though they'd wrought it.

    Song, let them take it,

    For there's more enterprise

    In walking naked.

    People have envied this famous poet his skills and his unique personal style (he wrote many lyrical poems based on Irish mythology). They have tried to copy the poet's style and claim them for their own.

    The poet says, that was just a coat and you can have it! The skill and the unique inspiration is inside me...... I'm better off walking naked...

    I suppose the poet wins in the end but is the victim of envy, being an artist I like this one!

  2. I've wrote some, but Idk of any as far as published poets. I'm sorry.

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