
What are some popular veggies this time of year?

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What are some popular veggies this time of year?




  1. Most things on a salad (:

  2. normally it would be TOMATO'S.....which are amazing....but BUT there are huge issues with tomatos right now so stay away from them....diseases and things are rampant in the right now so no tomatoes for you!....unless you like being sick...........but zucchini squash broccoli asparagus pea pods!.....these are all great right now cut them up into bite size pieces wash them and saute' them with some ghee (clarified butter) kosher salt and pepper and there great!!!!......

  3. broccoli or tomatoes

  4. asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes?

  5. cucumbers, squash, okra, tomatoes,corn, zucinni

  6. Four Popular Veggies This Season:

    1) TOMATOES:

    I find that tomatoes are an easy vegetable to grow and we all like to eat them in salads, sandwiches and on crackers. They can be grown in containers like buckets or straight from potting mix bags and as there are many different varieties to choose from care is required to get the ones best suited for your needs.

    Tomatoes need plenty of water especially if they are grown in a container and should be well saturated at least once a week when they are small and twice to three times a week when they are large. When they start bearing fruit, it is wise to feed them with a plant food fertilizer as the nutrients get washed away with the watering of the plants. This pays off with more fruit being produced because of the feeding.


    This is another plant that grows all by itself and is a good source of iron. I use it to make a layer in my lasagne and it is a good green vegetable for other meals. I have half a dozen plants all year round just because it is so simple to grow and they don't take up too much space. They do not need too much water but benefit from a well composted soil and a bit of mulch.


    These are a good summer vegetable to grow and it adds some variety to the garden and the kitchen. They come in climbing varieties and dwarf types and you need to be careful when making your selection. Peas are delicious eaten raw and they often don't make it to the table in our house. The beans are better in that regard and I often grow butter beans as they add some colour to the meal and grow reasonably well without too much trouble. They like a good watering about once a week and need a well composted soil to grow in. Runner beans need a trellis or some support to grow along but they are a tasty supplement to the table.

    4) CAPSCIUM:

    This vegetable is also good to grow because it is versatile, tasty and nice to eat cooked or raw. It is great for Pizza's and salads or cooked in a casserole. As a vegetable it is quite easy to grow and I prefer to grow it in a bucket. They need plenty of water and when they are in flower, benefit from regular feeding with a plant food or fertilizer. This feeding should produce a reasonable amount of fruit. They come in three main colours, green, red and yellow. There is a nice orange one too but it is a bit expensive for my liking but it tastes good and adds a nice colour to the meal.

    PS. I suggest you stay away from tomatoes for a little bit, there has been a massive outbreak in salmonella:

  7. Grilled corn cobs or bell peppers.  

    Salads - especially tomato salad.  If you live in the States, avoid it... but anywhere else, tomatoes are sooo delicious right now.

  8. Its not a question of whats popular rather its a question of whats in season............people should only eat whats in season so there fruits and vegetables dont get shipped half way around the world.................

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