
What are some positions a degree in journalism can land you?

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What are some positions a degree in journalism can land you?




  1. I worked on a tech magazine for a time. It was a life changing experience for me, an engineer. A sales career can also be enhanced by J.

    Right now I am working in collaboration with my daughter on how to improve the management function in a big way. The book is unfolding very well. It's a lot of fun, but it takes concentration to get it right.

  2. Solid writing skills are in demand more-and-more these days.  You could find yourself working for an ad agency, communications company, publishing house, etc.  The list is sweeping and diverse.

    I just finished my MFA in a writing program out in the Northwest.  So far just as "side work" I've gotten eight magazine articles published in the last four months.  Pay has ranged from $0.20 a word to a flat $1.00 a word!  Nice little revenue stream to add on to my existing salary.

    Good luck!

  3. In addition to the obvious, any position where writing is part and parcel of the responsibilities is a good possibility. These could include marketing communications, newsletters, web site development, etc. Also, with the prevalence of software solutions for businesses, technical writers are always in high demand. So, adding a couple of computer courses could help greatly in your ability to get a job.

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