
What are some positive aspects in the story 1984 by George Orwell?

by Guest45272  |  earlier

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even though the novel is most often viewed as negative, what are some positve aspects?




  1. the epiphany of freedom (though it later gets crushed)

  2. Hmmm, interesting question. It's kinda hard to try and find positive aspects of 1984 because Winston's hopes and dreams get crushed in the end. It makes you fearful and angry.

    I'm still going to try and answer your Q, so here goes:

    - Ignorance is bliss

    - Sometimes, lying to someone is better than telling them the truth

    - There is always hope


  3. If you think about the novel in a broader sense, rather than just as a plotline--Orwell created a political satire, which was just as much a warning to the future as a commentary on the early 20th century.  

    He wrote the book just after WWII, which saw socialism manifest itself in communist-led countries (e.g. Germany under Hitler; Stalinist Russia), and he took the idea of totalitarianism to the endth degree in 'Ninteen Eighty-Four', almost as a warning to future generations.  

    It's still very relevant today--think about Afghanistan under the Taliban; Pol Pot's regime etc.  

    Sorry if this was long-winded, and I'm not sure if it's too broad--but it was very clever inasmuch as it was not only relevant back in 1948 (when it was written), but it continues to be in today's society....

    Maybe you could also consider the perserverence/tenacity of Winston (and Julia)?  Even though they're ultimately at the mercy of the party, I think their struggle is admirable...

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