
What are some possible causes of global warming are and possible ways to prevent global warming?

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2 questions actually lol.

Can you tell me some really good ones?




  1. i dont think we can prevent global warming at this point. not enough people demand cleaner fuel sorces and even if they did it may be too late. If everyone in the world stopped driving to work right now, maybe. but people have to make a living and not everyone can afford to buy hybrid cars. AND even if all of Amercia went hybrid and green, there are other countrys like china, that do what they want, like kill tigers and other rare wild life. Not everyone is on the green side.

  2. The causes for global warming are use of cfcs gas and smoke. they can be reduced by the usage of electric cars and useing noncfcs base product

  3. I heard that there is a little global warming but the main cause is because the sun is warming up...

  4. If we get warming of 11 degrees F by 2100 (within the IPCC forecast range for expected warming), that is an average change of one degree in just over 8 years, a chage that would be over 11X greater and faster than what we've seen over the past 100 years.

    Impacts of Global Warming

    According to a UN climate report, the Himalayan glaciers that are the sources of Asia's biggest rivers - Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Yangtze, Mekong, Salween and Yellow - could disappear by 2035 as temperatures rise.  Approximately 2.4 billion people live in the drainage basin of the Himalayan rivers.

    Here's how the chief scientist of the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Science Program believes we need to respond:

    Stephen Schwartz knows as much about the effects of aerosols on climate change as anyone in the world, and he's worried. He believes climate change is so massive an economic issue that we face costs "in the trillions if not quadrillions of dollars." He thinks a Herculean effort and great sacrifice is required to get the world down to zero net increase in carbon dioxide concentrations, an effort he compares to that which the Allies undertook in their all-out war against n**i Germany and Japan.

    "Recall World War II, where everyone was making a sacrifice: gas rationing, tire rationing, no new car production, food rationing," he explains. "I don't think the people of the world are ready or prepared to make such a level of personal sacrifice. Perhaps when the consequences of climate change become more apparent that will change. But by that time, there will be irreversible changes in climate."

    Spencer R. Weart is Director of the Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics (AIP).  Here's his informed conclusion regarding global warming and what we need to do about it:

    One of the most important steps you can take is to contact your politicians and political candidates and let them know that you will hold them accountable for their actions, and not allow them to get away with simply paying lip service to the issue.

  5. The magnetic poles are shifting, and solar gamma rays aren't helping. not enough carbon dioxide restrictions on plants., gas cars/trucks. and last but not least 'cow farts'.

  6. There are many ways to cause global warming. If our socioty can just wake up we could even prevent global warming from getting worse. here are links to teach you about it:

  7. the causes of global warming is only by us.

    for more information,log on to

    this website will give u a informative way and possible ways to prevent global warming.i am a member in it.

    i am sure that u will get some informative ways by this website.

    i request u to join in this website and be a member.then u will be proud to say that u have saved ur country from global warming.


  8. Easiest question ever.

    #1 The sun

    #2. Not a d**n thing.

  9. Humans are the cause of global warming.  You want to lower the temperature of the planet???  Get rid of all the people who are doing things that make it warmer.

    Want to prevent it???   No more children.  Don't have any kids.  More children=more consumers.  More consumers use up natural resources and drive up the production needs for more energy.  More energy drives up the production of greenhouse gases from coal-burning plants and car emissions.

    Fewer people means fewer problems.  But, try explaining that to all the absolute morons all over the world, and I include the U.S., that insist on having all the kids they can.  

    We do not need more people in the world.  People are like commodities now.  The more you have, the less they are worth.

  10. Al Gore created global warming and the best way to remove it is for all those who believe in global warming destroy your automobile destroy your home and journey to the wilderness and live off the land.  Now you cannot take any tools pots or pans these are manufactured therefore we need to stop making them.  Just take the clothes on your back and live off the natural environment,  no excuses just do it.

  11. As you may already know, global warming is caused by greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.  Examples of greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapor, argon.  The most common contributor of the gases is carbon dioxide, or CO2.  We release CO2 by burning fossil fuels, oil, coal and natural gases.  Every day when we heat our house, drive a vehicle, or use electricity, we're contributing to global warming.

    We can't stop or prevent global warming, it's too late.  But we can slow it down by becomming "greener".  Not only will it help save the environment, but it will save you money in the longrun.  Some everyday things is to reuse, buy those cloth bags at shaws and instead of getting the bad quality plastic bags made with patrolium, reuse those bags every time you go grocery shopping.  Unplug appliances when not using them, even it's turned off, if it's plugged in it's using electricity still.  Stop using unnessisary energy, so turn off lights your not using etc.  Bigger steps are buying energy star applyances such as computers or dryers.  Another big step is to get a hybrid car, they save fuel.  There are plenty of ways to save energy, all we have to do is care and try our bests to stop polluting.

  12. We actually do not know whether or not the Earth is getting warmer.

    We won't prevent it if it is..... it's natural.

    "A number of scientists and scientific organizations have expressed concern about the possible deterioration of the land surface observing network. Climate scientist Roger A. Pielke has stated that he has identified a number of sites where poorly sited stations in sparse regions "will introduce spatially unrepresentative data into the analyses."  The metadata needed to quantify the uncertainty from poorly sited stations does not currently exist. Meteorlogist and weatherman Anthony Watts is currently documenting station quality in the U.S. Pielke has called for a similar documentation effort for the rest of the world. This is an effort Watts is planning to undertake."

  13. The main cause is Al Gore's breath

  14. Increased solar output

    Ice ages are bad for people, we should be more worried about how to stave off the next one.

  15. The main cause is man made greenhouse gases.  Proof:

    Meehl, G.A., W.M. Washington, C.A. Ammann, J.M. Arblaster, T.M.L. Wigleym and C. Tebaldi (2004). "Combinations of Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings in Twentieth-Century Climate". Journal of Climate 17: 3721-3727


    summarized at:

    The main way of reducing (not preventing) it is to reduce man made greenhouse gases.  Here's the plan:

    Al Gore has absolutely nothing to do with the scientific proof.

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