
What are some possible reasons for a 4 month old not sleeping well for the past week?

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He normally wakes 1-2 times during the night to eat and falls right back asleep until obvious morning. For the past week he's been waking up 4-6 times (not crying, just wanting to socialize) and barely napping during the day. I don't know what he's running on.




  1. Teething or growth spurt.  My 6 month old hasn't been sleeping well suddenly too and he just got his 2 bottom teeth through 2 days ago!

  2. Possibly teething, wanting to look around and be curious, wanting to play.  As far as naps during the day maybe too much going on around him.  Try putting him in a quiet place with no toys and maybe he will take naps.

  3. I agree with the previous poster - 4 month old sleep regression.  My baby will be 5 months next week and we are still dealing with frequent waking at night to nurse or be rocked and minimal naps during the day.  Previously Elyse slept for an 8-10 hour stretch/ate went back for 3-4 more and napped great.

    I've been told it gets better so hang in there!

  4. maybe he's not feeling well or babies that young sleep whenever they want

  5. He's probably starting to dream.  It wakes them up, but doesn't necessarily make them upset.  Or he could be teething!

  6. Make sure he's in your room.

  7. Has he recently started to sit up? Learning new skills such as this or more verbalization on his part can affect a child's sleeping patterns. Even his age can warrant a change (and at 6 months and at 8 months and so on) The best thing to do is to let him know that nighttime is for sleeping and that if he does not need food that it is time for sleep. It will help him get back on the right path. Good luck.

  8. Could be teething or a growth spurt. It could be the four month sleep regression. I know it's a pain, but you'll get through it!

  9. teething

    something disturbing him

    toys in his cot

    too hot / cold, cant get back to sleep

    day and night confusion if its light at night where you are

    maybe he just wants to explore and learn, i dont really know. but you know yourself, there are nights when you wake up at silly hours and cant sleep.

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