
What are some pranks I could pull on my teachers?

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I go to an arts school and all of the theatre kids (that's me!) are known for their pranks and I haven't played one yet!!!!! What sould I do!!!! PS- I'm in 6th grade!




  1. Shock them by having everybody in class turn in their homework/pass their tests/get good grades :)

  2. I think we should all just leave the teachers alone and let them teach.

  3. .

    I'm with Terry.

    You can't top that.


  4. im in fifth grade and we are known for parnks too, i am known as the one who is in charge of annoying th sht out ogf them!!! i sing on the bus at the top of my lungs and ask our bus driver questions like has she been to jail and stuff but idk vuz sixth is a whole new prank level than us!!

  5. every day move her desk one inch or two forward its so funny or while she is not looking take an item off her desk hand it to the person next to you and have them hand to the next and so on and so forth then once the stuff has gone of her desk put it back but on the opposite side of the desk she is sure to crack up!

  6. I am a teacher and I am all out for Pranks! But dont do anything that can get you into trouble. Putting glue all over the chair is considered a serious offence in my school. It is called vandalising school property and students will be seriously reprimanded. In addition, if the teacher's hand is stuck, the offence is causing physical harm to others. So think twice!!! Do a prank that everyone can think back and laugh about. It takes intelligence to be an excellent prankster. Look at the standup comics like Robin Williams and Chris Rock. They are smart people and making the big bucks! Read your teacher's face and judge if she's the sort who can take the jokes. Here's an idea...give your teacher an apple and explain that you don't have enough money to get her a watermelon!

  7. oooo i have a good one! okay so when your teacher comes in before class, everybody start talking--but dont say anything! Just move your mouths and make it look like you're talking so they'll think they went deaf! x)

    I pulled that on my science teacher who's half deaf and it workeddddd! bahahaha it wuz sooo funny :D

  8. idk there are many of them, you could  put all of the chalk somewhere they couldn't find them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. put supper glue all over the chair!!! best old school prank!

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