
What are some predictions of population challenges Venezuela will face in the future?

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What are some predictions of population challenges Venezuela will face in the future?




  1. It's hard to tell with Chavez in office. IT seems alot of people are trying to get him out though.

    Since he want to be a dictator, he may put a cap on how many children can be birthed into a family.

  2. The people are ******* like rabbits, they don't use birth control and the population is overcrowding, causing their qualit of life to go down the tubes.

  3. it will decrease because a giant squid with a jetpack will cut off the water supply. just kidding. it will increase because that giant squid that i mentioned is really nice and will give them free nachos to consume.

  4. Hugo Chavez ....!!! need I say more?

  5. Based on demographics around the world the only way to decrease the birth rate is wealth or government rules. Only China has proven powerfull enough to seriously reduce it's birthrate by laws, I doubt Hugo Chavez will be able to hold enough power to enact such social rules such as a one child family. Even if Chavez remains popular I doubt he could get away with the forced abortion a serious one child policy would require in a predominantly Catholic country.

    The other approach to reduce population growth is wealth. In Europe, USA and Japan the population growth has fallen because people realize children are very expensive more than 2 children is rare in all rich counrties. Such changes take time to change the traditions so it is a slower but more sustainable change.

    In Venezuela it is likely that Hugo's policies will slow the growth of wealth in his country, and his handouts to the poor will reduce the incentives to have small families.

    On the other hand if the Venezuelan economy collapses to a low level relative to what it is now, then the people may become depressed and have less children for that reason (such has happened in Cuba). It would take a longish period of relative prosperity (decades) followed by a very big and long economic crash to have such a situation occur. I personally think Venezuela's economic crash will happen much sooner and will have limited impact on population growth as it will be short in duration, lasting only until Hugo is removed from power.

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