
What are some problems with Melbourne's transport?

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I hear about a lot of problems with Melbourne's transport. What's are some of the problems and disadvantages that occur?




  1. I think the biggest problem is trains running late and being packed full (think tin of sardines) during peak hour.

    Apparently the government are looking into the matter, but I don't think it will be solved any time soon.

  2. Where to start? Trains would have to be the worse.

    Trains are old, over packed, never on time, alot of trains are cancelled. Alot of areas in Melbourne aren't well covered by public transport at all let alone trains, especially newer areas. The train system is almost exactly the same in coverage to what it was 50 years ago, and back then there was only 1.5 million people in Melbourne. Now there is around 3.7 million people and by 2020 they reckon there will be more then 4.2 million people, yet there are no serious plans to expand the train system.  

  3. As a visitor to Melbourne from Sydney, their public transport is excellent. I wouldn't be complaining.

  4. Compared to SYDNEY, Melbourne's mass transit is FINE. At least our trains don't have sticky seats, graffiti on walls and arrive on time.

    I have lived in Melbourne for a while now and I never had an issue with too few trams or overcrowded trams.

    Buses are indeed crowded especially on the routes that go to big train stations, but the situation is improving.

    Plus, single ticketing system in Melbourne (MetCard). Cheaper than Sydney too.

  5. None that I can see compared to Sydney, which is truly awful. You have a choice of trams, trains and buses in Melbourne, can use the same tickets for each, and hop on or off within either 2 hours or a day. In Sydney you need separate tickets for each, and you can only buy a single or a return (can't hop on and hop off as you want on impulse).

  6. DELAYYYY, and sometimes it might not show up as well

    interval time pretty long, especially during night time

  7. Yes there is a lot of stuff about that going around.

    I think metlink and connex and getting it most.

    There has been a lot of delays with them arriving.

    So mainly just that the trains are being delayed.

    But also people think their are not enough trams.

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