
What are some processes involved in a nuclear power station?

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What are some of the processes in a nuclear power station?





  2. doughnut eating?

  3. nuclear fission, evaporation, condensation, see the graphic and article for more

  4. There are many different types of nuclear fission reactors. All of them work on a similar principle.

    The nuclear fission generates a lot of heat, we use a coolant that absorbs and transports the heat, this is isolated from the outside world. The heated coolant then passes through a heat exchanger to a second stage coolant, which when heated will drive a turbine and generate electricity conventionally.

    The fission reaction is controlled by using boron (or similar) to prevent a chain reaction. All of this is is contained within an isolated environment to prevent the escape of alpha and beta radiation.

  5. Nuclear material at critical mass generates lot of heat.This heat is transfered to water,steam is porduced which drives a turbine.Turbine drives generator which produce electricity.

    To control or shut of the process,cadmium/boron rods are used. Lot of safety arrangement is required to keep radiation getting out from the plant.Very thick matalic container,6 to 8 foot tick concreate shell are used for safety reasons around the reactor vessal.

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