
What are some productive activities I can do while watching TV & movies?

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I like watching a good show and movies, but I always seem like I'm just wasting time. I use to quilt, but it just seems to be more of a project now and I don't enjoy it as much as I use to. I need something to do thats productive and fun. Any suggestions?




  1. I like to sit and work out with my hand and ankle weights. Limb stretches and extensions are easier for the elderly this way (no balance issues).

  2. crochet, needle point, write letters during commercials. Play fetch with a dog (if you have one), brush your dog. Sweep the floors well. Grab boxes that you have meant to go through for so long and actually go through them and get rid of it all, since it's been in a box so long, you probably haven't used it in a long time and dont' really need it. You could give someone a massage, heck both dogs and cats like this. You could make abstract art, so it doesn't matter if you look at the canvas. Polish all the furniture. Dance to your own music in your head. Exercise. Walk on a treadmil or ride a stationary bike.

    My biggest advice, turn off the tv and go outside, it's awesome out there!

    I fold laundry when i watch tv, or put it away. Or i should say, when i have to fold and put away laundry, i watch some of the old mind numbing boob tube. Or when i do dishes i might turn it on as well.

  3. If you want to do something a bit unusual, how about chain mail?  There are some good starter kits out there.  The first few times you try a new weave, you need to pay attention, but after that, it can be kind of mindless.  There is one site from whom I've bought starter kits (see below), but you can always buy cheaper rings (like *not* sterling silver) if you want to keep it a less expensive hobby.

  4. Folding clothes and such

    Dusting the furniture

    Clipping grocery coupons

    Creating a scrapbook



    Cooking (if you a TV in the kitchen)

    I usually turn on the TV while I am doing household chores.  I will put in a movie I have seen several times so that I am not as tempted to sit down and watch it the whole time it is on.  That frees me up to organize my closets, wash the windows, put laundry way, make the grocery list and such.

    Hope this helps!

  5. I only watch tv or movies if I have some fiber arts project going that I don't have to pay strict attention to. Like spinning wool into yarn!! I don't have to count so I can "just sit" and watch the movie.

    At my house this is a total luxury, the "just sit" thing!! No one gets to do that. They all get to sit down behind a spinning wheel, weaving loom, or other piece of fiber equipment. Another table has the sewing machines on it.

  6. Well, you could almost do anything in front of the tv, or a movie...i find that it actually helps me concentrate better on my homework...

    As for what to do, think bout what you need, or want that you could make, like your quilts. Or, think about others needs or wants, you could make gifts for birthdays and holidays.

    Also, think of something you have always wanted to do, (not anything big like, go parachuting) but like...there is this card game...and i never play it, it has died out...and yet, i find myself still trying to perfect the art of playing the game, because i believe that it will satisfy something within me...

    good luck to you...

  7. working out?

    doing your nails.

    fold clothing or organize stuff.

  8. Personally, I love to crochet while I watch t.v. I make toys and things then donate them to an organization that delivers them to less fortunate children. This way, I can make a lot of fun things, but I don't have them sitting around my house collecting dust.  They go to better use!  The only problem is, sometimes I get all caught up and completely miss out on what I'm watching, so I've learned not to do this while I'm watching a suspenseful movie!

    I also make cards while I watch t.v., but this gets messy, since I have to lug everything in from my craft closet. Still, I feel like I am doing something productive.

    Have fun!

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