
What are some products that we use that are produced involving the destruction of environment?

by Guest31847  |  earlier

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What are some products that we use that are produced involving the destruction of environment?

What alternatives you think of to use instead of those products?

For Science Report. Please Help me.




  1. "Organic" produce- organic farms employ destructive land management practices, spray large quantities of pesticides and the low crop yields lead to deforestation as more land must be cleared to grow the same amount of food.

  2. paper is mainly made from trees. I ONLY buy 100% recycled paper. That way NO tree died so I can print my bank statement.

  3. I personally use Shaklee products as they are 100% natural, non-toxic, bio-degradeable products.  If you'd like to see what they have available to us as well as get some information on their environmental integrity, check out this website:

  4. The question is what are students learning today?

    To answer the posted question most products are destructive to the environment in some way.

    All electronics...some of which contain mercury that if disposed of in landfill can contaminate ground water.  Batteries can leak acid into the environment.  Anything made from metal requires destructive mining to collect.  Jewelry especially diamonds are destructive in more ways than to the environment.  Anything that is painted (most companies use products that have VOCs) this can pollute the air.  Any equipment that contains oil could pollute the water.  

    Even bottled water uses plastic that many do not recycle.  

    The list goes on and on.  The items that you purchase from a store are transported and manufactured.  This uses large amounts of energy.  

    Tires also.

    Even food processing.  A neighbor of my in-laws participated in the grain feeding of large number of cattle for beef production.  Destroyed their land in one year.

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