
What are some products to get rid of very oily skin??

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i use prescription medicine for my skin that prevents acne. its amazing...and ii also use jergans face natural self tanner. it says it doesnt contain oil soo it shouldnt make my skin oily..

but my skin is still pretty oily. it was NEVER oily until a few monthes ago.

i use a clean and clear face wash before i apply the medicine and moisturizer that says it gets rid of oil and dirt and makeup

but anything else that i can use to get rid of my oily skin? i use oil absorbing pads but i use them like 5+x daily thats how oily i am!




  1. I had the same problem for a while and I found when I stopped using the oil absorbing sheets, my face just stopped producing so much oil.  It was like my face was overproducing oil to make up for what I was taking away with the blotting papers.  Also try using moisturizer once a day (I would use one with an spf in the morning), instead of in the morning and at night.  Hope this helps! =o)

  2. I use the Neutrogena Wave, and I have no problems, it works great for me, and use should definitely try that. For acne, you can use OXY. Those are really great products that i definitely recommend you use.  

  3. I have exactly the same problem! I wash my face twice a day, once in the morning with Cetaphil and once at night with a prescription cleanser. I apply a light moisturizer after each wash and I keep my makeup light. Of course, drinking lots of water and cutting out oily and sugary foods helped but I think I'll always have oily skin- its just glandular. Maybe you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist if its really severe.

  4. the only thing that is really going to make a difference in your oil production is time. its your hormones that are causing you to have excessively oily skin. I would get your hormones checked especially DHEA. if that is high then thats the reason. Also for temporary relief of oily skin, wash with IVORY with hot water like 3-5 times a day. you can save money on oil absorbing pads,. just use zig zag rolling papers they work just as good and are like 75 cents a pack

    you might want to go to a dermatologist and talk to them and also perhaps get an OTC or prescription strength Alcoholic astringent , the alcohol will dry your skin out.  

  5. This is going to sound really wierd. But I've done it and it works.


    Yes here are the steps

    1. get a plastic cup of milk next time you take a bath or shower.

    2. Set it on the side of your tub

    3. Rinse

    4. Get a washcloth and dip it in the milk

    5. Rub it all over your body and don't rinse, let it soak for a few minutes. (if you dont that's fine. I know it is hard in a bath)

    6. Rinse


    Hope it works! (well I know it does, so...) Hope you think it works! :)

  6. You do not have oily skin... You have dry skin and you need Body moisturizer... The oil is trying to replace moisture your skin needs... By cleaning it off regularly you are defeating the purpose.

    Give it a try for a reasonable amount of time. I think you will be happy in the long run.

  7. i had the same problem....

    clean your face with a piece of cotton with hydrogen peroxide rich solution this will reduce the secretion of oil of your glands!

    use neutrogena oil-free cleansers too, they really work

  8. Me too!

    I heard Mac Mattifying (sp?) lotion helps.

    But its like $21 and I'm really cheap so I've never tried it. Lol.

  9. The main thing is your diet. Dairy and sweets are sinister to your health and outward appearance. Keep those in check, things will get better.  Some of the products on the market causes more damage than good.  Dermatologists are obsessed with drugs, don't go to them. They are not in your best interest.  

  10. I use clean and clear too!! I wash in the morning and night it seems to help. I also have a prescription cream that i use after each washing.  If that doesn't work, go to a drug store and get a face wash that helps with oily skin. another thing that it could be is that your skin is dry and it is causing it to make more oil than normal. try a cream at night like olay. It helps with moisture.Hope this helps!

  11. i use a Lancome product called pure focus matifying lotion its brilliant gets rid of the oil on your face there is also a gel to use under make up, would really recommend it.

  12. same here oily face been there still dealing with it thoe but use a peel off mask from wallgreens grapseed that stuff will really take alllll the crud off your face i dont realy use it becouse it takes to much of the oil off my face but if your face is that bad i say use it and also think is good for oil on the is neutrogena oil free that stuff is really good two

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