
What are some pros and cons of going vegetarian?

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nutrient- and health-wise? What are some pros and cons?




  1. I'll avoid reiterating the pros that have already been listed. The cons I can think of are just the difficulty of going out to eat. Unless it's a specific vegetarian restaurant , most other affordable places are tricky to get vegetarian meals. While you can always rely on a nice salad, a lot of menu items revolve around a meat. Also, if you have family that ren't vegetarian, and may not entirely understand why YOU are, it's sometimes uncomfortable to go over there for dinner. I'll never forget what my dad said one night. "What are we going to feed the girl?" as they were planning a roasted chicken dinner. Ugh..

  2. first of all, to grappler:  hitler was not a vegetarian.  his doctor recommended the diet, but he didn't follow it.  do your research.  

    now, on to the question.....

    a vegetarian diet is generally lower in fat and cholesterol than an omnivorous one.

    you might have more energy

    some people say they have clearer skin after going veg

    a guilt-free conscience

    cheaper groceries


    i can't think of any cons unless maybe you live in an area where they stone vegetarians to death or something, lol.

    GO VEG! =)

  3. I don't know of any cons if a well balanced diet is followed.

  4. Pro's = none

    Con's = no bacon!

  5. Pros-

    Health:  Vegetarians live longer by an average of six years, and have significantly lower rates of heart disease, colon cancer, digestive disorders and type 2 diabetes.  New studies of Seventh Day Adventists also suggest much lower rates of Alzheimer's.

    Environment:  The raising of animals for food is responsible for the creation of more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined, making meat the number one cause of global warming.

    Ethical:  Slaughterhouse practices, battery cages, gestation crates, VEAL....

    Cons- Dealing with the ignorance and hatred of others who, for whatever reason, feel threatened by vegetarians.

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