
What are some pros and cons of recycling?

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I mostly need cons. I know that there really arn't many cons of recycling, but it would help my project if anyone could come up with some. I would also like to hear what pros people have about recycling.

Thank you :)




  1. there are only pros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It’s hard to believe that anyone would question the importance of recycling but, many of the reasons we support recycling can not be directly quantified in monetary terms. Many of the benefits are hidden.

    RECYCLING COSTS MONEY. The expenses may include:

    Collection, transportation and processing costs

    Capital investments such as equipment and container costs and labor fees

    Recycling market fees may be charged to cover the costs of processing certain materials

    RECYCLING SAVES MONEY. Areas where savings occur may include:

    Lower manufacturing costs for products made from recycled rather than virgin materials

    Avoiding landfill or incineration fees, still over $100 per ton in Passaic County, New Jersey

    The value of conserving our natural resources

    The value of saved energy by recycling materials rather than obtaining virgin materials


    Depending upon the quality and quantity, selling recyclables can bring in revenue.

  3. Cons- can't find anywhere to take my plastics like food packaging! They won't take it on the door step recycling, then I was taking it down to the local tip, and now they they don't want it there either. It's all very frustrating!

  4. one negative aspect is the fact that more people think about recycling than about reusing or reducing. many people think it's okay to buy things in excessive packaging or get new things instead of reusing something because they can recycle what they no longer want. as someone else mentioned, the process of recycling is expensive and fuel consuming.i see more over packaged goods now than there were 20 years ago and more convenience items, especially in the grocery stores. if we used less and reused more, we would have to recycle less.

  5. You probably already know lots of pros about recycling cause that's what recycling is all about. But here are some cons i came up with

    1) some towns/ garbage collectors require you to go to your towns dump to drop of your recycling

    2) it takes some effort to separate your recyclables at home

    3) You have to rinse your yogurt cups or anything that's sticky before placing them into recycling

    That's all i could think of good luck with your project!!

  6. We recycle everything in our house and I believe that it is the right thing to do. But the negatives:

    1. Having to smash the cans is a pain, and if you don't wear shoes you can cut yourself if not using a hand crusher.

    2. Having to bag them and that is an extra expense.

    3. Finding a place to store them before you take to recycle.

    You really need several bags to make it worth while.

    4. Finding a recyclers who will pay you enough to make it worth the cost of the trash bags, the time involved and the gas to drive there. Hope that helped.

  7. Pros:

    You can reuse materials, most places where you get paper are made of recycled materials. Mostly plastic and paper


    when factories recycle, they need fuel and energy for machinary, so they cause pollution.

    Maybe we should buy quality stuff so there will be less garbage and recycled. Quality that last

  8. The only real con I can think of is the slight extra effort involved.  Many places are not altogether recycle-ready, so you might have to do a lot of the footwork.

    Pros are more prevalent.  For one thing, by recycling, you tap a national resource to help the American economy and secure local jobs.  For example, instead of importing aluminum from Australia or Russia, we can recycle the aluminum we already have and help create jobs.  If there are recycling facilities and aluminum plants in your region, this creates a constant source of income for your area.  This beats sending American money overseas, and the process is quite fast.  The aluminum in a can which you recycle today can often find its way back onto shelves within 60 days.

    Another pro is that it reduces a lot of environmental destruction caused by mining, oil drilling, logging and other forms of resource extraction.  We've already got the materials; we just have to collect and reuse them.

    It also reduces the need for trash dumps.  I recycle everything I can at my house, and I find that about 50 percent of the waste I produce is recyclable.  With the population growing, this is a serious consideration.

    That's just a few.  I'm sure you'll get plenty from other people too.

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