
What are some pros and cons to having a law that prohibits new/young drivers <18 to get an expensive car?

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This a topic I have for my persuasive essay in my college english class. Tell me any ideas that you have. Thank you.




  1. First of all, why should there be a ban against that?  Who suffers if a young or new driver is driving an expensive car?  It might make someone mad to see it but that is not a problem with the kid driving the car, it is a problem with the person getting angry.  Obviously a person with some jealously issues.

    Also, how do you define expensive car?  That can be a tough one to call.  In some parts of the country an expensive car costs more than $30,000.  In other parts of the country an expensive car costs more than $100,000.  You will not be able to apply the same standards throughout the country.  You would not even be able to do it throughout the same city (especially in cities like Los Angeles where there are many different income levels).

    Another thing?  This would just be another useless law to clog the courts with.  You would have people being ticketed or arrested (depending on the law) and having to go to court.  There are too many cases in court as it is.  Since this would be a completely victimless crime it would be a waste of tax payer money to pay police to enforce the law, to pay prosecutors to prosecute the law, and to pay administrative people to watch over this law.  Also, a law like this is bound to be disputed and go to higher courts to determine its validity.  Another waste of time, money, and court resources.

    Finally, a law like this would be futile.  Ok, the new driver cannot own an expensive car.  The father keeps it in his name and lets the kid drive it.  Law is not broken and kid still gets to drive expensive car.  If the law was designed to prevent the kid from even driving the car then it is much too burdensome to be enforceable.

  2. Pro:  People who can&#039;t afford an expensive car won&#039;t have to experience resentment of kids who get expensive cars.

    Con: Arbitrary loss of rights for people buying the car they want to.  No real gain for society.

  3. As far as I am concerned it all starts at home with the parents and this is were the rules need to be set in place and it starts when they are born, we don&#039;t need laws for this, we just need parents who care.

  4. there is nothing wrong with kids driving expensive cars at all.some are even safer for kids like the mercedes s class.they garantee more safety than a japanese nissan or toyota for example

  5. That is like having a law that prohibits someone &lt;18 from buying a big screen tv or a Rolex watch...If an individual has an income, even if just from McDonalds and saves the earnings, then that person can spend it on whatever they want...Even invest in the stock market and concieveably be a millionaire before they&#039;re 18.

    Some things that young folks cannot acquire with any amount of money are discipline, maturity and experience - key ingredients required to operate any vehicle...These things only come with time...Some never get them and ruin their lives or lives of others in the process.

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