
What are some pros on global warming?

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I can only find cons.

What are some pros?

thank you [:




  1. It keeps the liberal agenda viable.  No global warming equals no entitlement programs.  None of our tax dollars going for zippo.

  2. less frostbite and common flu. Common flu thrives in the cold. Global warming is a hoax.

  3. If you look at earth history, the planet has always been more prosperous during the warming periods.  All life on the planet is more active during these warming trends.  The cooling ones kill off lifeforms.

    Someone said animals were dying off, but if you look at the facts, polar bears, for example, are increasing in numbers.

    Unfortunately this last warming spell seems to have ended. I hope that's not the case, but all indications are that we're going back into another cooling period.  NASA says the ice caps are back to the way they were during the cooling period of the late 70's.

    I love global warming and wish it would last longer.  I don't like cold weather much and neither does nature in general.

  4. I'd suggest you look at something beyond the typical "chicken little" theories, and take a look back at historical facts.  Global warming has been VERY good for humanity in the past.

    If you want a few examples of future benefits.. there will be longer growing seasons and a lot of worthless land will thaw and become usable.

  5. Wearing less clothing. More skin for everyone! Oops, that could be a "con" with the wrong person.

  6. Florida temps all year 'round. I'm not complaining.

  7. Climate change may help crop yields in colder areas.  However recent data suggests this may not be true, so I am not aware of any major benifits other than less harsh temps for those in cold climates (however that is causing major problems for eskimos.)

    paul, I'm pretty sure you were talking tongue-in-cheek, but I just want to point out that your idea won't work, because the pesky people won't be the ones dying.  Africa, which has very LOW green house gas emissions will be hit the hardest and soonest.  In fact according to time "Scientists on the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned this week that the effects of global warming are already being felt in Africa."   The people actually doing the major polluting will be last to be affected, because their countries are typically cooler to begin with and they have the infrastructure available to adapt to the warmer weather at least for a while.

  8. Ain't None.

  9. The planet will no longer be able to support as much food production, many people will starve, reducing the population of the planet.  Therefore global warming will cure itself by ridding itself of all the pesky people.

  10. Why is it you can not find any Pros? Because the left-winger environmentalists would no longer have anything to save the rest of evil humanity from.

  11. 1. Good deals on snow removal equipment

    2.Won't have to go south for the winter

    3.No more rusty cars due to road salt

    4.You can use snow tires as planters

    5.Forget about cutting fire wood

    6.Sell the chainsaw and Axe for extra cash

    7.Plant a garden year round

    8.Go swimming in December,January,February

    9.Barbecue all year long

    10.Wear a Tee shirt that says (I survived GW 2008)

  12. Are you joking me??? There ARE only cons! We are killing every single animal in the world, and people are either denying global warming, or they are giving up. There are a few of us who are still trying to stop it. Give us some help will ya?? I am sure the polar bears and arctic penguins, foxes, seals, walrus', and every other animal on the earth will thank you!

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