
What are some quality U.S universities have low tuition fees?

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I'm in Quebec where tuition is close to two grand a year. The other provinces are roughly five grand and that is about as much as I'm willing to spend. I just like to explore my options and I know that Canadian university tuition is peanuts compared to state universities.




  1. two grand per year!!!! you cant even attend a community college in my state(NJ) for 2 grand a SEMESTER which is about what my son pays,so thank god for financial aid,cause community college when I went back in the early seventies cost 17 dollars a credit. ha ha long time ago.FEES and parking cost more now per semester than my whole 12 credit semesters used to cost.what a shame!!!

  2. Well the most affordable thing you can do here in NY, is come to CUNY, theres a whole lot of colleges around the city where yearly it would cost over $4000 but like the woman said thank god for financial aid.

  3. The only US schools you'll find for that price are City/State colleges.

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