
What are some questions the usps lady mite ask me in the interview?

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What are some questions the usps lady mite ask me in the interview?




  1. It all depends on the job. If you are applying for a rural carrier position, they ask about your driving record and if you have a vehicle to use to deliver mail out of since rural carriers use their own vehicles. If it is a city carrier job, they ask about the driving record, also. I have only really had one job other than as a rural carrier, so they may ask about any other jobs you have had. They don't really care about education level. Be prepared to spend about 3 to 4 hours there if you are appointed filling out paperwork. You have to be able to pass a physical, drug test, and the background check. You also have to submit your fingerprints. I hope this helps, but I don't know what position you are being interviewed for, so I don't know if this helped or not.

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