
What are some questions you just couldn't bring yourself to ask here on YA!?

by  |  earlier

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1) If a Mexican and Canadian marry and begin a family, would their kids be called Medians?

2) In an alternate universe, are citizens voting for candidates based on actual qualifications?

3) Who keeps eating the potato salad?

4) Would you bankroll my X-rated remake of "The Sound of Music"?

5) Why does the Walmart greeter only punch me in the stomach when I enter the store?

6) Am I cute?




  1. Has any one even heard of the sport Kendo? If not even some of my asian friends haven't heard of it, I highly doubt anyone on here would know about it.

  2. Guido has always wanted to know if you get p**p on your p****r if you play back-door milkman.

    But he has far too much class to ever say that in public.


  3. *1 why are People so scared of Politics?

    *2 Wheres the cheese?  

  4. Have u ever ate lunch while u were saying goodbye to breakfast? and was that more convienent?

  5. if people dont like sandwiches

  6. If Jesus had known it was going to be the Last Supper, would He have chosen a different meal?

    Yeah, I'm glad I didn't ask that. That's awful. Not funny, either.

  7. "When it comes to the nut we know as a pecan, do you pronounce it pecan pecan, or pecan?"

  8. i dont really bother asking because ppl just giving me stupid answers or none of them are answers iam looking for

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