
What are some quick and easy but healthy and cheap breakfast and lunch ideas?

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I'm off to university on the 15th of September, I'm 18 and currently live with my parents.

I haven't always been big on breakfast especially in highschool and college with the early mornings and late nights of teen-hood.

I heard that one way to keep healthy and keep hunger at bay during the day is to have a large breakfast then a smaller lunch and even smaller dinner and no food after 6/7 oclock (although when i do it at home i usually say after 8). Its also meant to make you sleep better as you aren't digesting during the night.

Considering I won't have my loan for at least the first month i need some cheap, easy and quick ideas for a good, large healthy breakfast and also some quick dinners as well (as i'll probably eat lunch out during the day).

Any suggestions or ideas?!




  1. For breakfast in a hurry, I purchase rolls of Bob Evans sausage at BJ's.  It is 3# for $6.  I slice off 2 pieces and cook it on the George Forman Grill.  I put each slice on a piece of toast or a mini bagel & add a glass of milk.  It is very  quick, easy and filling.  

    Another quick breakfast is scrambled eggs with pieces of ham.  Just before the eggs are done add some shredded cheese.  Serve with some toast and a beverage.  

    For dinner I suggest chicken & cheese quesadillas.  Take a flour tortilla and lay it in the bottom of a non-stick skillet.  Top with shredded cheese, chunks of chicken (canned or Perdue Shortcuts) and another flour tortilla.  Allow the bottom tortilla to brown slightly, and flip it over to brown the other side.  The cheese should be melted.  Serve with sour cream and salsa if desired.  This is very filling and easy and quick.

    You could also do a salad with chicken or a boiled egg on top or a chef salad with ham and turkey and cheese.  The bagged salad would be quick and easy.

  2. Dried fruits for breakfast (almonds and hazelnuts may be expensive, but not peanuts or sunflower beans) with milk or juice. Cereals are also OK

    Salads for lunch (pasta, vegetables and chicken; beans and tuna; rice salads, potatoes and sausages)

    You can use all the fruits and vegetables you like to make a nice salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion, cabbage, carrots, apple, grapes... etc) and dress them with oil, lemon juice or vinegar. It's not healthy to use always mayonnaise or heavy sauces.

  3. Actually, the healthiest way to eat is 4-5 mini-meals per day, rather than 3 larger ones:)   You could just take a piece of cheese, or a hard-boiled egg, and a piece of fruit for breakfast.  Bring a baggie of dry-roasted nuts & some dried fruit for morning snack (considered another "mini" meal) ... have your lunch out;  have some yogurt and fruit when you get home from school ... then have a small dinner.  I don't know what you'll have available for food preparation, but Lean/Hot Pockets and a salad would be good.   Low-fat/sugar-free pudding & jello cups are a nice light, after-dinner snack if you're hungry when you're studying at night......

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