
What are some quick and easy suppers now that Fall is here?

by  |  earlier

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I hate having to make hot dogs or hamburgers as my family is on the go evenings with baseball and other activities.

I am all out of ideas on quick and easy (nutritious!!) meals, well they don't all have to be nutritious but I just really want to get away from processed and chemical laden foods.

Any good home-made quick and easy meals?

I guess I should tell you my daughter won't eat red meat or youngest is the fussiest eater (doesn't even like KD) but my middle son well if I could clone and sell him believe me you'd all want one! LOL

Hubby of course is a meat and potato guy, but I'd be interested in casseroles or other things I could prepare in advance, freeze and reheat...even pastry stuffed things etc.

Hard order to fill huh?





  1. crackers and cheese and packaged ketchup from wendys

  2. My kids are fussy eaters too. My husband is also a meat and potatos man but they all love this.

    Chicken and Dumplings

    1 whole chicken

    1 bay leaf

    2 tsp garlic salt

    6 black peppercorns

    6 cups of water

    1 cup baby carrots

    1 package refrigerator biscuits (10 – 12)

    Place chicken in crock pot and add everything except carrots. Cook on low for about 8-10 hours. Remove chicken and de-bone. Pour broth into large pot on stove and heat until boiling. Add carrots and cook for 30 minutes. Thicken broth with cornstarch or flour mixed with cold water. Tear refrigerator biscuits into 3-4 pieces each and drop into boiling broth, lower heat and cover. Simmer for about 5 minutes, until biscuits puff up. Add chicken and carrots, stir, and serve.

  3. Pull out the crock pot and make soups and chicken dishes while you work.

    For example - yesterday, I put 2 pork tenderloin and 2 jars of gravy into the crock before work, by the time I got home, all I had to do was make some potatoes, and cook off the fresh beans - 10 minutes later, dinner was done.

    Just because you're super busy, doesn't mean that you can't have great meals that take hours to cook - you just have to use your time to your advantage.  The crock pot is the best thing going.  Take 10 min in the morning, throw together a chicken chili, and when you get home, serve it up...  Or throw in several pieces of chicken, a jar of BBQ sauce, and a little water - set it on low, and when you get home, BBQ chicken - or you can then pull the chicken and have BBQ pulled chicken.

    Good luck!  I LOVE my 2 crock pots - they were the best investment I've ever made.

  4. Fry a lot of bacon ahead of time to a crisp, cool, and drain on paper towels and pat the grease off the tops too with a paper towel. Then cool it on a cookie sheet in the refrig for a few minutes, place it in zip lock bags with paper towels and suck the air out as much as possible (use the Reynolds machine and zip bags if you have it). Then freeze them. You can take them out and make cold BLTs or just bacon sandwiches and you don't have to unthaw them first and they will taste fine.

  5. Cook boneless skinless chicken b*****s in a skillet with a little oil about 4 minutes per side on medium heat. Add one chopped onion, cook briefly and add 1 cup of chicken broth. Cook about 3 minutes then add one jar of spaghetti sauce. Turn heat to low, cover and let simmer until chicken is done, approximately 20 minutes. Meanwhile, cook some spaghetti following directions on the box. Drain the pasta and serve the chicken and sauce over the pasta.  Bagged salad and some Italian bread complete the meal.

    Feeling more energetic? Dip the chicken b*****s in beaten egg and roll in Parmesan cheese & bread crumbs. Chicken Parmigiana.

    ps If you plan to freeze this, spray a dish with release spray (Pam) and undercook the pasta and the chicken a bit because you'll be baking it anyway. To serve, if it's a glass dish, place it in a cold oven and then turn the oven on to 350F - bake approx 45 minutes.  

  6. Well, I believe you can freeze any soup, so it can be made ahead of time and its really nutritious when you make it yourself with fresh ingredients.  You can also roast a big chicken, eat what you want for that night and then take all the meat off bones and put in refridgerator and use later in things that are quick to make like casseroles, they are great cause you can put everything together in one meal and put in oven.

    Tacos are something that are quick and easy, you can do all the prep work of cutting up the lettuce and tomatoes in the morning and put in baggies and it only takes 10 min or so i think to make the meat at night if you have a sauce packet.

  7. TACOZ! put some cheese...some beanz...some salsa...wat eva u want on da table...get those shells where u heat em up and their done...THATZ IT!

  8. homemade chicken noodle is probably one of my favorites...all ya need is some left over chicken to pick off the bone, and a bag-o-noodles...Good stuff.

  9. You can get tubes of refrigerated pizza dough and make calzone with them - using whatever meat your family likes, mozzarella cheese and a little pizza sauce.....

    This is a good casserole, and just substitute ground turkey:


    6-8 oz. farm style noodles or bow tie pasta (cooked)

    1 10-oz. pkg. frozen chopped spinach (thawed and squeezed dry)

    2-3 c. spaghetti sauce

    1 c. sour cream

    1 lb. ground beef, browned & crumbled

    1/2 c. Parmesan cheese, grated

    Mix spaghetti sauce with meat and cool.  Layer noodles, meat, spinach, sour cream, cheese; repeat layers.  Bake at 375 for 30 min or until really hot ....... serves 6-8

    I always keep glass bowls of fruit & green salad in the refrigerator, plus at least 1 or 2 of the following:  coleslaw, potato salad, Greek salad, bean salad, broccoli salad, fruit ambrosia.  So, you always have some side dishes to pull out to serve......

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