
What are some "green" things i can do over the summer?

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I am fourteen and exteremely bored now that school is out. I want to help the environment in any way that i can, so what are some realistic things that i can do to help the earth?




  1. my son is 14 also and last year he would bike to all the baseball fields and collect beer bottles and cans and take for deposit he made a fair amount of money that way and it cleaned up the fields no broken bottles .He would leave the house around 7.30 in the morning.Try volunteering at a pet shelter as a walker if bottle picking is not your thing,volunteer at a seniors home to help with the gardening with a senior,you and your friends could adopt a park unofficially and keep it clean you could find a sponsor(local business) to supply bags and gloves would make a great local news story

  2. Get a group of your friends and go to a park or your neighborhood and clean up garbage and then recycle what you pick up.

  3. recycling, preventing pollution, turning off electricity when not in need, try not to waste food, etc.

  4. Plant a garden. If you don't have the space for that, try growing vegetables in containers. There are many varieties of tomatoes that grow well in containers. An herb garden would be good, too.

  5. There's a bunch of things that you can do! Here's a couple: Take shorter showers, turn off the water when you're brushing your teeth, pick up garbage (be sure to wear gloves!), breathe, recycle, buy local food, try to walk places and not ride in the car, oh, and there's this thing that you can do where you put a gallon like water jug (make sure it's all washed out and all of that) in the tank of your toilet (make sure it's not touching anything), and when you flush, you use a gallon less water.

  6. With your free time, you can do research to find out what a scam the whole "global warming" fiasco is and how Al Gore is getting rich off of it.  Or you can look up the over 30,000 scientists who do not believe in man-made global warming.  And while you're at it, look at the scientists that say they believe in it and how much federal funding they get for "research".  

    Hope that gets you started down the right path.

  7. say you want to go to Jamba Juice or something, then you can walk there yourself, to save CO2 from going into the air, you can buy some flouresent light bulbs, when you play on like a slip and slide or what ever, try not to leave the water on so long, unglug your electronics (ipod charger, tv, toaster) while they are not in use cause of standby mode, oh and i'm a teen too! way to help the enviroment!

  8. Send as many greenhouse gases you can into the air.

  9. well, u can buy clothes made from organic cotton, buy things made from recycled products(publix has green wise paper products availible), unplug any chargers that aren't being used, buy compact fluorescent lightbulbs( the twisty kind), RECYCLE! many things we use r recyclable and we don't know it so before u throw stuff away, check the package. buy a HYBRID!!! use less water (ex. instead of washin ur car, let the rain wash it.) those r just a few basic ones but there are plenty  of other neat things u could do like making a pencil holder out of a used soup can. magazines like seventeen and cosmogirl have a list of green things u can do. u should check them out.

  10. Paint your toenails with a different shade of green each day

  11. Try to avoid turning on the air conditioner, even if it gets really hot. They use a lot of energy. Instead, lie down under a tree in the shade, drink iced water, put a cold washcloth over your face, don't run around heaps.

    Also, see if there are any tree-planting projects going on in your area. Or if not, just go to the nursery and buy a few plants and plant them! It all helps.

    Go vegetarian for the summer and see how it works out. A huge lot of energy is expended in the meat industry, which contributes to pollution and greenhouse emissions. You'll also be doing a favour to the poor animals who are treated absolutely dreadfully in the animal meat industry.

    Good on you for wanting to help the environment! The next thing is to keep it going even after summer's over.

  12. 1) Get your parents to drive you around in an SUV

    2) Don't recycle.

    3) Set up a bonfire and ceremoniously burn An Inconvenient Truth and loads of fluorescent lightbulbs.

    4) Crack open fluorescent lightbulbs and pour the mercury content into the ground.

    5) Turn on the AC.

    6) Paint the house and the lawn green.

    7) Buy clothing that is green in colour.

  13. Ask your parents to demand their US Senators to NOT allow Harry Reid to stay on as Senate Majority leader.  Tell them you'll give up TV for the summer if they will do that.

    Trust me.

  14. Eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of a hamburger.  Saves land, water, and cuts down on greenhouse gas emmissions.

    Walk or ride your bike instead of having mom or dad drive you to your destination.

    Save water by only throwing your clothes in the dirty laundry if they are actually stained or smelly.  If they're not, wear a second time before washing them.

    If you have plastic bottles (water, soda, or juice), rinse them out and reuse them instead of throwing them out.

    Use both sides of notebook paper, and use all the pages in a notebook.  Any papers that are used on only one side, like handouts from school, can be saved to use  as scratch paper.

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