
What are some rainy day activities to do to keep the kids busy?

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I need something that'll keep them off the video games, computers, and television.




  1. I live in England, so we have a lot of rainy days!!! a treat i get out the scissors etc, which they love, but the kicker is GLITTER!!! I don't know what it is about glitter, but once you bring it out they're happy for hours. Its a pain to clean up, but worth it! My 5 year old and 3 year old love to play hide and seek, although they ahven't quite gotten the hang of it, it does keep them busy for hours! (they hide in the same spot and jump up and shout boo, usually behind the sofa!) Also, if I'm really desperate for them to burn some energy I say to them, very seriously, "whatever you do, do NOT jump on your beds" and what do they do? of course they jump on their beds...makeshift trampoline! Also, baking is GREAT. Kids love to feel grown up. I even enrol them in housekeeping on occasion. My 3 year old can't wait to be "a grown-up lady", so I tell her that grown up ladies make their beds and tidy their rooms before they put on makeup, and then after they've done their chores we get out the makeup. I'm sure when my son is old enough (9months) he'll even enjoy that one!!! lol

  2. Crafts are great for kids. like one person said, cardboard boxes are always  fun for them... bake something, playdo, forts, or any other activity. anything reallly. mostly crafty things help.

  3. I make things such as homemade play-dough......i get a box and make a scene on the box and we draw, co lour and cut out things to go on the scene like a farm or space scenes.

    Boardgames.....the game Headbandz is a really fun game depending on the ages of the kids. I bake cookies and have things set out for them to decorate their own. Collect rocks on a sunny day at the beach and then on rainy days they can paint them to look like animals. Thumbprint animals are let them dip their thumb in thin paint to make a print and give them markers to draw eyes and feathers. Set up a tent in the living room and have a camping trip with a fake fire with red and orange tissue paper with some little pieces of wood. Hope I gave you some ideas.

  4. doing something educational=read,play board games, or if ur goin to be in for a spell of rain, n u r tune into ur forecast alot, stock up, go to neighborhood, craft store, depending on ages of kids, and get things u/child might enjoy doing, i just went and got my 6yr son a army tie dye kit, less messy=comes with bottles,gloves,shirt,u dont have to presoak anything, just put water in bottles/thats already measure shake up and take rubberbands and get to design...Downfall u have to wait 4hrs, to let dry up, then wash it&dry n be good to go...Or if u got eaters/try setting up a trip around the world tour n ur home, each place n house is something different=learn diff basic language/eat diff food/games

  5. Have an olympic type thing. Have races, fastest building things, and prizes at the end. They will love it!

  6. I love coloring with my son.  I'm also looking forward to making crafts with him (he's only 3 now).

  7. treasure hunt in the house, write there own book (I don't know how old they are, sorry), put together a show for mom and dad, hide and seek, teach them to cook (or better yet, clean), write a letter to a relative...that's all I got.good luck.

  8. Build a fort

  9. build stuff

  10. puzzles, go to the museum, go to the movies, paint, free how-to workshops at Michaels or Hobby Lobby, reading, drawing, make something fun in the kitchen together, go to the mall, indoor basketball, raquetball, indoor swimming, ice skating, indoor rollar blading, laser tage, sleepovers, tie-dye clothes, make crafts (jewlary, purses, picture frames, whatever), bowling, indoor rock climbing.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head, hope it helps. Have fun!

  11. Sit down with them and read stories, play games, do puzzles.  Give them construction paper, safety scissors, glue and crayons/markers and tell them to go to town!  A big cardboard box will keep my kids busy for weeks.  Children are simple creatures with great imaginations, find a way to stimulate their little brains and they will be thrilled!  And of course, there's always nap time. ;)

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