
What are some random acts of kindness i can talke part in??

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What are some random acts of kindness i can talke part in??




  1. If you go through a toll booth, pay for the person behind you.

    If you know someone in your neighborhood is broke, put a few dollars somewhere they will find it. (Or drop off a bag of food)

    Shovel their walk or have someone do it.

    There are many ways.

  2. The following website has lots of good ideas...

  3. Open your heart.  The answers are in front of you.  Just keep an open mind about being kind and you will find ways every day. Don't forget to be kind to yourself.

  4. A smile and a pleasant hello, holding open a door for someone.  Saying thank you to someone who waited on you in the store.  Helping an elderly neighbor with her groceries, mowing a neighbors lawn when you are mowing yours.  Shoveling a neighbors walkway when it snows.  Baking cookies or a cake and bringing it to a new neighbor and introduce yourself.  Offer to go to the store for a neighbor.  Reading to a child.  Actually "listening" to someone when they need to talk.  All these are free and very greatly appreciated.

  5. My favourite thing to do for someone is when I'm driving through a toll booth, I also pay for the car behind me. It's a great feeling to do something totally unexpected for someone you don't know, and know you're not going to get anything in return!

  6. Small things that we often overlook.  Waiting an extra few seconds to hold a door for someone.  Handing the person ahead of you on a check out line the 6 cents he's digging for in his pocket.  Taking the trash cans out to the curb for your dad without being asked.  Helping your mom prepare dinner, or clean up after without being asked.  Giving the bus driver a nice smile and a pleasant "hello" on boarding and a sincere "Thank You" on departing.

  7. Here are some websites with loads of random acts of kindness ideas:

  8. It's not all that random, but I have been volunteering to teach adult literacy in my hometown. It is frustrating at times, but very rewarding also.

  9. Shovel the snow for an older neighbour.

    Take home baked goods to a friend just because.

    Add some coins into a parking meter that is about to expire.

    Say hello and thank you to the bus driver.

    Let someone go in front of you at the grocery store.

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