
What are some real, effective, and reasonably priced energy saving systems for a new construction house?

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Building a new house in a year or so. I would like to make it as green as possible, but it has to look like a conventional house (no massive solar panels or windmills) and I won't spend a fortune on fringe technology that has no real-world returns. What's the best bang for the buck? Geo thermal HVAC? On demand hot water heaters? LED lighting? Any other ideas that are reasonably priced, and produce a real energy savings? (pay for themselves in five years or so...)




  1. You can put in recycled glass counters, they look great and the keep lots of bottles out of the landfills.

      Really, if you want to go green you will be spending more money, being green is not cheap, it actually costs more money because so few are buying green products.

    You can install low-flow toilets, low-flow showerheads, I'm not sure what it is called but there is a type of sky light that lets in a lot of light so you don't have to us as much electricity in the day time (like in bathrooms etc)  You can put in bamboo floors, it is a more sustainable wood. When you put in appliances a fridge and washer and dryer, buy the energy star kind, they will save you money in the long run, and they are better for the planet.  You can use paint that is eco-friendly that cuts down on the toxic air in the house, and you can use eco-friendly insulation like recycled blue jeans.  

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