
What are some real working mermaid spell ????

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Im 13, im a girl, and i would like to become a real mermaid. DO NOT ANSWER IF U DONT HAVE AN ANSWER ! I have tried the insocient, the human when dry mermaid when wet, etc. i have tried 3-4 mermaid spells but none of them work ! plz dont just give me some website on spells, please make sure the site has a mermaid spell and tell me if they work. thnx !




  1. 1.what you will need: coolade mix orange  any color you want your tail and top it  to be,bottle of  water a symbol

    2. well lets get started ; mermaids,mermaids deep blue sea make me what i wish to be a mermaid with a scaly tail and top color __________, of and the  powers____________,of                    

      witches one and witches all this is my wish  mote it be there will be side effects if i give  you the side effects  will you tell me if  you are a girl or a boy                                                                                                                        

  2.  Okay. So I really wanna become a mermaid. I've been doing a fair share of research..... Okay A LOT of research on mermaid spells. I heard that adding your own touch to or creating your own spell helps. Also doing it multiple times a week and really having faith in it. ( if you give up because you think it's fake it won't work.) so I mashed up important parts of spells and created one of my own! There is a potion (easy to make and no drink. I PROMISE you will have the ingredients needed.) so email me if you want it. I haven't tried it yet but I would really like to try it with someone and be mermaid buddies!!! My email (btw ik it's weird it was my brothers and he's.... Strange. Lol) :

  3.  im trying tuns of spells today i will tell u if one works i am also trying vampire spells so text me for the results on that one.

  4. This is a website that has all kinds of spells that work i think.

  5.  These spells never actually work they are just to fool you. And so rightly you are being fooled. Not because that you are innocent but you are clever. 

    Best of luck.

  6. why i wont 2 be a mermaid

    • tail

    • powers

    • cool

    • fun

    • blue ocean

    • dolphins



  7. well im ganna become a mermaid and ill tell you how and to do it here is the spell-mermaid magic come to me,i would like a tail not two feet beauty apon me fish of all kinds let see when im finished in the see when im dry my feet return to me.ok soo like thats the spell and here are so here is wat you do-to do this spell you have to wear your favorite necklace and take a shower or a bath!!!!!near the end of your shower or bath say the spell SLOWLY! dry off and the next time you ttouch water you should be a mermaid!- some girl did it and this was her coment-now after i said the spell,i dreid off and ran my hand in sink water i closed my eyes and counted to ten waited a few secounds and i fell down and opened my eyes and i had a TAIL!!! and had powers!!!! and if it odes not work repet 10 times some part of you hast to be touching water and you dont haft to say it on a full moon do not look at it after saying the spell youll regret it wait a few secounds then open your eyes side effects-singing better alot,stomaches.achy,or itchy legs the urg to drink a lot of water the urg to touch water/go swiming mermaid dreams and more....tail color vary,and you do not decide wat color your tail is or powers  for the spell to work you need to have a symbol  something that is special to you and its on your uper body it can be your eyes or hair a ring necklace braclet soo it will still be in visable wen you grow a tail  you cant take it off foe more than two hours at a time or you will lose your POWERS AND TAIL OR THE SPELL WONT WORK!!!! you also haft to believe the spell will work or else it wont hop it work s bye!!! oh and leave a coment at my email!!!!

  8. hey listen I NEED TO TELL YOUa topsecret spell well its more of a potion: get some water with a fishscale in it then put it in the blender (put 2-3 more scals in) then drink it

                                      that should work  good luck

  9. Mermaids are the fictional creatures, and no human can trnsform in to a mermaid. Its a completely fallacious thinking that a spell can transform a person in to a fish tailed mermaid.

    So, its better not to waste your energies in looking for such spells that donot exist in reality. As it is completely a waste of time and resources.

  10. keep trying

  11. do u have a real mermaid spell plz do i want a real spell i tried many and they havent worked plz give me a real spell im serious

  12. this is stupidwhy are non belivers even on this site huh?    oh and guys i am going to try like 15 spells tonight so do not worry i will tell you if they worked!


  13. god made you a human.... so live with it ( ur not acting like one like, come on your thirteen!)

  14. the spell is workin 4 me my whole leg have turned purple and i am having a lot of side effects and i have a cut on my left leg it hurt a lots

  15. what i dont get is if you dont think its possible to be a mermaid then why are you searching it and putting you cant and stuff well YOU CAN BECOME A MERMAID AS LONG AS YOU BELIVE!!!!! seeing isnt beliving... beliving is seeing!!! so yh

  16. okay i'm on the swim team and  i tried a mermaid POWER spell and it made me fast at swimming and i felt like getting in a pool. also there's a mermaid siren song spell it worked  ising terrible  but that night i just st arted singing sweet home ala bama

  17. Ok, try this, say this while in the bathtub! Hope it helps I'm gonna try it right now!   One drop of water does me in

    30 seconds later I will grow a fin

    a tail will spread from my waist to my toes

    covered in shiny (color) scales,

    only my friends shall know

    three powers over water I shall possess

    to be able to use any time without a fret

    I want to be able to swim the greatest depths

    doing this with one big breath

    when I want to have back my legs

    I dry myself off

    and am human once again

    but one drop of water does me in

    and the adventure will begin again”

  18. ive not got any spells and so am i looking for one

  19. Don't listen to the jerks out there. Im trying also. Hasn wokred yet, but dont loose faith! ;)

  20. get a life ............ mermaid doesnt exist and if u want to become mermaid then do some physical surgeries ............... thanX

  21. go to 43things and find pinkmermaid124's spell. I did it and tweeked the spell a little bit to say i

    only change in salt water so i dont know if spell worked . 

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  22. You can make your own spell, its more powerful when its fit for you. If you need help, email me at

  23. I need a spell too and when people say magic is not true dont listen to them
    I will try to find a spell for you.

  24. <br><br><a href="" title=" wishes " name=" wishes "><img src="" alt=" wishes " title=" wishes "/><br /> wishes </a><br><br>

    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>

  25. <br><br><a href="" title=" wishes " name=" wishes "><img src="" alt=" wishes " title=" wishes "/><br /> wishes </a><br><br>

    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>

  26. 11 apr. (Apcom) - Tre persone, tra cui un minorenne sono stati fermati dai carabinieri che indagno sull'assassinio di Maria Rosanna Carrus, la pensionata di 71 anni, uccisa nel corso della notte di sabato Chanel Sunglassesnella sua abitazione a Siliqua, in provincia di Cagliari. I magistrati della Procura ordinaria e dei minori di Cagliari hanno emesso tre provvedimenti di fermo a carico di 3 giovani, uno dei quali diciassettenne, sui quali si sono concentrati i sospetti per l'assassinio della anziana che sarebbe stata bruciata al termine di una rapina nella sua abitazione. "Ci sono gravissimi indizi", ha detto il colonnello dei carabinieri Michele Sirimarco a Skytg24. Louis Vuitton SunglassesCi sarebbero parziali ammissioni da parte di uno dei tre fermati. Intanto, proseguono le indagini e i rilievi nell'abitazione dove è avvenuto il delitto da parte degli uomini del Ris di Cagliari.

  27. Say this:Sea animals,fish and all,raise the mermaid flag,waves splash upon me,fish and all,a mermaid shall I be!
    Say this 6 times in the bath tub.You have to have a symbol.I BELIVE this spell will work.✭

  28. i know one here mermaid mermaid turn me into a mermaid when i touch water make my tail disappear when I"m out of water hope it helps i haven't done it have to be touching water while saying this spell sorry if it doesn't work :( and their is also another one but I forgot :( here you go you have the firs one and i hate all this c**p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that doesn't work :(

  29. Try the insoosient one again coz u mite of pronounced it wrong
    here is the pronounciation

    Insoosient inclemancey redootable mediocrasy reefewtable humanitee witches one and witches all giv this power to me

    Repeat this 10 times I did it today now I have had some side effects and now I am just waiting for the results

  30. say I am a memaid of bye heart and in the water in the dark keep saying it until it is 1 hr later u will find u have a power tell god the power u want and the tail colour and then some magic will happen

  31. i know a spell just pray to god try it i am and nothing has happened so far but at least im not saying spells bcoz they are sins and it is going against god by doing spells and they can even turn on u

  32. go help guest16021365 she needs some answers!!!!!!!!!!! anyone out there with a heart go and answer her plead!!!!!!!!!

  33. Well, You have to make up your own spell and belive in it.
    By the way i am 13 and my name is Abigail Breslin.

  34. go to it really works

  35. You have to make one up yourself, I know, I am a mermaid.

  36. it takes a full month for your tail to grow and 3 more monthes for your powers to come in if it takes longer than that just mean that the spell is taking its time. be patient it coming and this is for the spell that starts with "insouciant"

  37. well if you go to and go to spells or beginers magic  you`ll see heaps of spells and they all work and if you  sign up you can talk to other mermaids[or wanna bes] and people don`t stop believing in mermaids because me and my best friend are mermaid with mermaid reefs spells so don`t dis or stop believing in mermaids because if you do your offending my bestie , me and others we know and yes i`m 13 to

  38. all you do is make one up but you haft to memaris it and think that your a
    mermaid and go in the bath and sprinkly sait in the bath and wear a nekliss
    and blever i just did it but i cant tell you it our I want be a mermaid and dont tell anyone one the spell or our a mermaid if you tell your spell you will loes your power.

  39. Hunni i am really wanting to be a mermaid to and i am on the insouent inclemency spell and i had all the side affects r u sure u did the instructions right? and i know a spell that really works if ya want it add me on ok hun nothing to wory about! :D be paticent xxxxxx

  40. here is a spell that works 4 alot of ppl :THE SPELL: A human when dry, a mermaid when wet, and have a power of () and have a tail the color of () a human when dry, a mermaid when wet, gills are not needed, just a big breath, that lasts 30 minutes, a human when dry, a mermaid when wet, ill get my powers, and tail in 1 week,ill get my tail, one minute after being wet, when wet a mermaide when dry, a human, the rain does not matter, it cannot change me, but a drop of any other water will.

    Remember not to shave or wax your legs! You will also need a peice or Jewelry, one that means a lot to you! And remeber,do not take your Jewelry of or the spell wont work! Just BELIVE!!

    Side Effects: Legs changing to the colour you picked Dizzyness Headaches Stomachaches peeling skin Legs itching , tingly , saw feeling sick all the time Gills ( Most likely around neck or sides ) Legs wanting to stay Together / Crossed Constant Thirst Craving Salt Mood swings Wanting to touch / be in water Mermaid Dreams / Visions Random Outbursts Symbol Changes color Rash Rely on water to make you happy Feel weak when touch water Hair decreases growth ( ex. takes a long time to grow hair back , shaved / cut / waxed

  41. why would you want to be a mermaid i would stay human

  42. being a mermaids s**t why would you want to be a mermaid thats stupid

  43. Step #1
    Dance naked on a full moon facing south while in the Pacific Ocean
    Step #2
    It must be on a leap year
    Step #3
    You Must NOT TELL ANYONE why your going there (if someone sees you transforming you end up as a cross dressing asian transvestite)
    Step #4
    You must be a Virgin
    Step #5
    You must not be classified as Obese or American for it to work.

    Gl yours truly WeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeW


  45. i will get you people a spell that turn you into a mermaid be cause im nearly a merman

  46. a mermaid really are you kidding me!!!!! do you realize you will probably never see your fam again or yoor friends or your pets (if you have any) be grateful for who you are GOSH

  47. my suggestion is do what i did and im getting tons of side affects...first theres yeah the insouciant spell you HAVE to wait a month or 2 3 4 ect. and any spell any side affect will occur within 2 weeks....another idea is to do what everyone else does and it works for them and it also helps in groups of 3 ok make up your own has to ryme have details and mainly YOU it has to have you in it your name color ect. if in a group make a spell with all 3 names in it and say it at the same time...hint hint any spell HAS TO BE DONE ON A FULL MOON FULL MOON PEOPLE ALOT OF PEOPLE DONT DO THAT FULL MOON!!!!! AND YOU ALSO HAVE TO BE IN A POOL LAKE OCEAN OR IN A BATH TUB WITH AN OPEN WINDOW WHERE THE MOON IS DIRECLY FACING YOU!!!AFTER YOU DO A SPELL DONT LOOK AT THE MOON WHY? BECAUSE YOU WILL POSSIBLY GET MOON STRUCT OR YOU JUST CANT STOP LOOKING AT IT I JUST CANT STOP LOOKING AT IT SO GUESS WHAT EVERYTIME I LOOK AT IT I EITHER HAVE TO FORCE MYSELF TO NOT LOOK AT IT(STAY AWAY FROM IT BOCKED VIEW) OR I HAVE TO GO INSIDE IT STINKS...hope i helped thanks bye!!!

  48. be contented what God given not believe in spell because its all non sense..

  49. I Saw a mermaid

  50. i would love to become a mermaid to see what it feels like in the ocean with a lovely hot pink or orange tail it will be so cool!

  51. sorrry i know ur probably tired of readin comments where they say i dont know any real spells but i just wanted you to know that i do think that there are mermaids out there and not because ive been watchin 'h20' or aquamarine but i think u shouldnt stop beleiving if u are meant to be a mermaid fate will bring the right spell to you eventually. = )
    p.s i am lookin for spells aswell :)

  52. why would you do that?  owwwww!

  53. ive tried it soooo many times but only one 13 to i went on it works i swear!!

  54. you need to go to

  55. you want to be a mermaid? you eat 100 kilos of fish in 1 day to become a mermaid ...
    trust me i am a mermaid


  57. I really want to become a mermaid too/


  59. people just need to calm down. she is just saying tht in her question because i bet she has asked other questions other places and people are just leaving mean comments. or. she just really wants this and shes been trying hard and doing everything she can. and she is just sick of getting the wrong turn outs. so. just give her some slack!

    and. okay. i myself have been wanting to be a mermaid. ive tried manythings. the human when dry mermaid when wet spell.  that one does work. u just have to believe.  ive had friends do it. nd myself. it started working on me. but i told. and if you tell about it. you lose your transforming power forever:/ thats what happened to me sadly. but. the thing that works best in  its awesome. good luck with your spells and wishess!!! tell me if it workss.!

  60. Keep on trying. But try that place really works!!!

  61. <br /><br />this is amazing<br /><br />

    <br /><br /><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img style="border: ridge 4px yellow;" src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br /><br />

  62. The side affects are itchy legs, pain when walking and a bit sticky when wet. The tail could be any color that you want you just have to imagine it and it is possible to have powers the most common ones are water, fire and ice. Also it will take about a month.

  63. Well, there is one spell i think will work. First, you HAVE TO be wet!!!!!!!!!! Then you need to say this spell: Magic and mystery, be apon me! All the creatures of the sea, listen to me, I want to be a mermaid! Say this 5 times and next time u touch water in at least 1 week, you will be a mermaid! THERE IS NO SIDE AFFECTS!!!

  64. I want to become a mermaid, but i need a spell! Please give me one, i have not tryed any.!!!!!!! so ya  plz give me a spell!

  65. how long will it take

  66. hey do no listen to that baul s**t ok im a mermaid and there is one way you can become one here is a spell human when dry mermaid when wet only salt water can effect me no one will see.

  67. Yes you can if you truly believe in it with all your heart and soul because if you believe in the power of positve thinking then you can bring good things to you which means turning into a mermaid. So don't give up hope yet hun ok just make up your own mermaid spell and see what happens.

  68. There are no spells that actually work. But to you humans converting is just a figment of your imagination. Because I'm a mermaid, (Homo-Nauticus) and all of our tails dissapear when we go onto land. We only change in the ocean, not any other body of water either, so dont go smart-a*s on me you scientific JERKS!!!!!!

  69. here's one but tjis spell is only for belivers like me(i'm only nine but i'm mature for my age)you will need a lock of your hair,a bathtub filled with water,and about a bowl of sand(don't ask y.)Say this spell i wrote bubbles and jellyfish bla bla bla!!!!!!

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