
What are some really bad inventions.....?

by  |  earlier

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hey the other day i was trying to think aobut the worst inventions ever. but they do have to exist and are real things. like i thought about the atomic bomb and stuff like that but who knows...... i was also thinking about a invention that was bad to the life of human beings. made life hard....




  1. The Automobile. Why? -Cuz THOUSANDS die in car Accidents EVERY Year; Millions are FORCED to go to work to pay the darn things OFF every day... Half the WORLD is complaining bitterly that it COSTS too much to put Gas in them now... And almost EVERYONE is SO "dependent" on them- that if they're forced to GIVE UP their Cars- they turn into "Basket Cases" & don't know what to DO with themselves!!! I mean- if THIS wasn't a BAD Invention- I don't know what IS!!!   :0

  2. The invention of heroine....nuff said.

    The gun, i mean it's a bad invention, it KILLS people faster and more efficiently.  Course i think i'd rather get shot than stabbed by a sword or my face smashed with a big glowing mallet, but's bad.

    Cosmetic surgery, just freakin ridiculous.

    And i'm pretty sure just cause i MENTIONED it i'll get a thumbs down, but BEER OR granted yes, it's part of a good time, people have fun...but if it was never invented...who would die from drunk driving? Where would the wife-beaters, child -beaters/molesters be?  Where would the alchohol poisoning and tragic deaths from alchohol abuse be...that's right...NOWHERE....

    And the b*****d or b******s who created freakin clothing/dining etiquette...why the h**l should it matter what we wear? If that didn't matter I wouldn't get h**l for wearing what i please dammit.


    WorsT invention?

    Baby dolls that "pee" out water- thats messed up. and a mess... i could've made that into a pun!

  4. One invention is a birth control pill, it's not always bad but one person i know got their arm taken off by one.

  5. hey u have been asking abt the inventions but i feel there are 3 thing more dangerous FEELINGS than these inventions like automobiles n nulear bombs etc ......those r

    1.saddism-which make people poisoned n live like a dead body

    2.selfishness-people who thk that old,animals n plants r waste on the earth n kill small kids,plants etc for money n pleasure n these people dnt know that they live like a frog in the well and these r very dangerous

    3.always sum people need only pleasure n pleasure n they hardly work.....they r called  lazy people n these lazy people r very poisinous because they create machines,automobiles,etc instead of man work.they want works 2 happen very quickly n easily but they dnt thk how these machines spoil other lives...................................... hope u und stand if u not then read the answer 3 not blaming u but saying u that life can b made without these machines toooo............chill ok...... read this completely n if u und std clearly then i request u 2 send this msg 2 all ur frndssssss  bye..................   shilps

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