
What are some really cool hotspots and main attractions in germany?

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What are some really cool hotspots and main attractions in germany?




  1. Munich is an awesome city. You can't miss the Hofbrauhaus!!! Especially if you can be there during Oktoberfest. Alternatively, Christmastime is a great time to visit as all the Christmas markets are in the main square and the atmosphere is amazing. Everyone outside in the Christmas spirit drinking Gluwhein and eating hot German sausage or freshly baked pretzels. There are plenty of beautfiul castles nearby and if you are into history you can do a trip to the concentration camps. Don't miss the Black Forest.

  2. berlin. main attractions, sanscoussi palace, fernsehrturm (excuse possible wrong spelling). cool hotspot: boxhagener platz :). go to poland from berlin on train cheaply, its a very different experience.

  3. Check out the Castles. They really are awesome and there are so many of them.

  4. the black forest its nice this time of year

  5. Schloss Neuschwanstein in Bavaria

  6. Oh you have to go to Garmisch. What a beautiful place to visit. It is on the border of the Alps. Also Cologne is a really nice city!

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