
What are some really fun, out-of the-ordniary things to do with kids?

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i sometimes watch my 3 and 9 year old sisters and they usually just play school or read books

the 3 year old is kind of girly but the 9 year old isn't that girly

what are some fun, different things to do with them? i mean, not like play doh or dress up or watch tv...

10 points to best answer, people

thanks!!! :)




  1. Buy the game"operation"always a big hit in the house.Or you could play "twister",thats alot of fun too.

    We also set up a tent in the living room sometimes and act like we are camping outside.We play radio,heat marshmallows over the stove,tell stories,get our blankets and pillows from the bedroom and hang out.the kids love it!

    "Old Maid "playing cards is a good one.

    Have a tea party and make them get dressed up for it and act like they are someone else.Different names,different places where they want to be from,

    Hide and Seek is always popular/give a prize(treat)to whoever wins and doesn't get found till last.

    Have a dance contest

    Take them to the mall/get them a hot dog or ice cream

    Fingerpainting/arts and crafts

    Play beauty salon/hair,make up,paint nails/toes

    Take goofy pictures of them

    Bake cookies/brownies/cake/muffins/cupcakes

    paint ceramics

    make beaded necklaces/bracelets

    okay,that's it for me,hope you find one you like.Use your imagination!Good luck with the kiddies

  2. play boardgames, color! little kids love that!

    do some little craft, make cookies

    haha :)

    stuff like that.

  3. take them paint balling!!! (just kidding)


    2.go to a park?

    3.go shopping (probably their fave)

    5.take out for icecream?

  4. Give them piggie back rides all over the house.

    DOWNSTAIRS-UPSTAIRS and all over the place

  5. try and find out what realky makes them tick and take them shopping to buy what thay like

  6. Try alot of imagination things, like stuck on an island or spy's. The 3 year is old you say is girly but she is still young and will enjoy near anything you do. The 9 year old will be a bigger pain to satisfy when she's bored. Try adeventrous things. I play with my 5 year old cousin lots. I play mostly what he wants... One time we were pokemon running from tiger-men. Lots of fun (I'm 14 with lots of exprience)

  7. hmm...

    Well, theres lots of things! Are you for some reason only indoors?

    A trip to the park



    outdoors things are great summer activities!

    picnic (or indoor picnic!)

    or play resturant (like w/ real food, u take their orders and they "pay" u with fake money or artwork or something)

    play board games

    plan a day of bowling

    make your own pizza

    watch a movie

    make crafts from Michaels

    do a puppet show

    make a stuffed animal

    go to the mall

    For the 3 y.o. you could give her a make-over while the 9 y.o. does another activity.

    You could play soccer or volley ball, play sports, etc.

    You could even make up your own game if you'd like (be creative!!)

    feed ducks at a pond

    use chalk on the driveway

    play hopscotch

    play 4-sqaure...

    blow bubbles

    water-gun tag

    water balloon toss

    egg toss (very messy, beware)

    finger paint



    do a puzzle

    read to them

    play video games

    make charm bracelets/jewelry

    hope it helped!!

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