
What are some really funny things to do in a religious education lesson?

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My RE teacher hates me and my friend, she blames us for anything bad that happens so what are some really funny things to do in the lesson preferably something that would be particularly bad to say or do to someone so religious?




  1. I was in class one day and the teacher asked us what term was used to describe the fact that Mary was a virgin mother. (The Immaculate Conception) I said "Joseph was a good shot."

    I thought the teacher's head was going to explode. It was hilarious!

  2. Tell her you beleive in scientology and that xeno will come down in his DC-12's and take all the chosen ones to the top of mount etna where our immortal souls will cause normal humans physical harm,, cud be a laugh lol!

  3. Teachers don't hate pupils.

    They may dislike the behaviour of some pupils but we don't hate the pupils.

  4. f**t and then say More tea vicar

  5. i hate re.

    for the exams and question put stupid answers like ' dunno no one told me' or once it said 'why would christains want to go to prey in a church? and i put 'dunno go ask them, i dont do it. tramp......

  6. Take a washable magic marker and write "666" on your forehead. When she asks you why you do such bad things, tell her that you can't help yourself- it's just the nature of the beast.

    P.S. Don't do this unless you really want to get into trouble.

  7. A boy in our class is a strict satanist and our teacher is an extremely straight laced Christian. That can get pretty funny....

    And in retaliation to the answer above me, yes teachers can very well hate pupils. It is a fact of life and obviously every teacher is different.

  8. Dunno mate to be honest?

    I'm a self-made man.

    We accept your apology.


    Why don't you go home and brush up on your ignorance.


    An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.


    He doesn't have all his cornflakes in one box.


    The wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead.


    All foam, no beer.


    He fell out of the Stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.


    The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.


    His antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.


    Missing a few buttons on his remote control.

  9. Say one word.......DARWIN

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