
What are some really good comics that aren't that well known????

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What are some really good comics that aren't that well known????




  1. I assume you mean famous ones like Blondie, Beetle Bailey, Snoopy.

    Personally I like Zits, For Better or Worse, LuAnn, Baby Blues, Marmaduke.  A Native American cartoonist publishes in my paper (single panel) that is hilarious.  He pokes fun at his own people as well as "the white man" like Custer.  They're funny, but he brings up subjects that are sensitive to his people.  Sorry I don't remember the name.

    [EDIT] oops, do I feel dumb!  I had spent part of the weekend going through my adult son's "junk" boxes in the closet to clean it out for use as a guest room, & found some old comic books.  I guess when I read the question my head was still in those boxes.  Sorry for the idiocy.

  2. Taken on its own terms that is a question which can cause a lot of arguments.  I'm not a big fan of modern comic books.  The one I like best is the new Conan the Barbarian, even though it lacks the improvisatory quality of the old one -- which reminded me somewhat of the original stories by Robert E. Howard who wrote them out of order and never worried too much about continuity.  I don't see too much improvisation in modern American comics, and I honestly believe they have defined "professionalism" too narrowly.  

    I like Pon and Zi.  You see them around the Web, of course.   They are like a Ziggy for this generation.  The author has apparently lost his web page and is a fan site.  But they are cool.

    User Friendly is a web designer's with  an open source bias take on everything.  He's taken on camping with geeks, air travel in the post 9/11 world, the RIAA and you name it.

    Another pro-open source polemical comic strip is the Bizarre Cathedral (a take on Eric Raymond's seminal essay the Cathedral and the Bazaar).  It is exclusively published in Free Software magazine, is more conventionally rendered than user friendly. and has humanoid animals (programmers) discussing what is wrong with Windows and other things.

    Some people don't like Sylvia.  I adore her.  With book titles like, "I'm in training to be Tall and Blonde" "Mercy, it's the Revolution and I'm still in my bathrobe" and "Ma, Can I Be A Feminist And Still Like Men?" she tells you exactly where she is coming from.  I like to say that For Better or Worse is a Canadian strip syndicated by a Chicago-based syndicate.  Sylvia is a Chicago-based strip syndicated by a Canadian syndicate.     Therefore Sylvia is For Better or Worse's evil twin.

    Of course I was a big fan of the Undergrounds in the seventies, and still have a soft spot in my heart for Rios's books, Cuba For Beginners and Marx for Beginners, without which Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics wouldn't be possible.

    I'm sure people will argue with this. Especially Sylvia. Fine.  That's what happens.

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